Chapter Forty-Five: Hell Has Broken Loose

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Isador was proud of Aleksei, for deciding to stay in Russia. He knew it would take some time for him to adjust himself, but he pushed that thought out of his mind rather quickly. *You can do this, Isador... You have a man who loves you, cats quite literally everywhere, and a woman who seems so very kind. This will be a life worth living.* A smile held strong on Isador's face as he watched Aleksei slip off into the kitchen. Looking down at the kitten he whispered, "I am so glad to be here..."

When he raised his gaze he saw Aleksei and his mother in the kitchen. He slowly set the kitten back on the floor so allowing the precious bean to go back to her mother. It was easy for him to hear what was being said in the kitchen, so he remained where he stood. When Aleksei's mother smiled sweetly at him his chest tightened and happiness flooded into him. This happiness was very unique feeling, and Isador had missed it.

At first Isador tread very lightly in the house, trying his best to feel things out. It only took him about three days before he relaxed and acted like his usual self. He found himself following Aleksei like a lost puppy often. Isador enjoyed watching Aleksei, being with him, holding his hand, all of it. With each passing day he fell deeper and deeper in love with Aleksei. Especially Aleksei around his mother and sister. He was an amazing older brother, and a wonderful son to his mom, Isador could see that very clearly.

What made Isador laugh was the influx of animals. The mules made sense, after all Aleksei certainly seemed to become fond of them rather quickly. That didn't bother Isador. He enjoyed watching the reindeer play, petting the rabbits, watching Aleksei ride *oh boy did he enjoy watching Aleksei ride*, and playing with the cats. It wasn't a big shocker when Aleksei's mom put a cap on Aleksei's animal purchases. What was shocking to Isador is that somehow Aleksei never bought a pig, or a liger.

Time felt like it was flying, and after the first month passed Isador got phone calls. His bosses wanted him to report in, and he didn't really want too. He was happy, and he didn't want to squander his happiness for them. He had been robbed of happiness before--but this time he would guard it with his life. He'd guard all of them with his life. He truly felt like a member of the family. He never answered the phone calls, only shot vague text messages. He wondered rather often about hsi cat back in the States. *Your roommate probably sent her to the shelter after the second month you were gone.* Thoughts like this were rare and few inbetween, but they were on Isador's mind.

But when hell broke loose in the states, Isador's phone practically blew up. He turned off all sound on it, and checked it every few hours. His bosses demanded information. They demanded to know where he was, if he knew any of the plans, and if he had anything that could stop Jerome and his 'new' mafia. Isador knew nothing though. He'd been in Russia for months now and had not a clue what was happening stateside with the Mafia. His only concern was what his and Aleksei's plans were for the day. He was enjoying daily means from the lovely mother of his wonderfully lovely boyfriend--the mafia was the last of his concerns.

At least it was until Aleksei got the call. He may not of said any words, but Isador felt the shift in his emotions. Aleksei was like a swirling cloud of them, fighting for dominance. He could tell which one had won, though. Slowly Isador got up off the bed and went over to Aleksei.

"Love," Isador whispered once he was near, "What's wrong?"


Aleksei gently took Isador's hand in his, not only was he upset about Romana but...Isador, he told Isador and his mother that he would stay, that he was done with it all but now that was furthest from the truth. They could never stay in a good moment, could they? A few months of peace but then trouble always caught up to them eventually, but this time; Aleksei planned on ending their troubles once and for all.

"Ramona is dead, Jerome has killed her." Aleksei spoke softly, he kept his emotions in check, this had to be a calculated plan, not an emotional one. "I will be returning to the states but not right away, if I want to stop him I will need support first. From all sides, mafia members and law enforcement alike. It will be hard to obtain their support but...I need it." Aleksei frowned before he looked at their entwined hands, he smiled a bit. "You don't have to come back with me though, stay here. Where you are safe." Aleksei then pitched, he wanted Isador to stay so badly. It would keep him out of trouble. This was a whole out war after all, many will die and he did not want Isador to be part of the body count.

He already knew the first person he could contact, Ramona's father but he also had to know his enemies. Who were the most likely ones to support Jerome? Two people. A mobster named Larry, a hitmen named Jerry. This is a lie. The mobster's name is Romeo and the hitmen calls himself Ezra. Aleksei's supporters would be a few people part of the mafia ran by Jerome, Ramona's father and maybe some law enforcement if he is lucky but there are also many unclaimed alliances that Jerome could beat him too, but did Jerome have enough self preservation instincts to make alliances or will he just make enemies? That was the question Aleksei had to aks. But, if Jerome was all about destruction, that still will make him very dangerous. A man with nothing to lose is the most dangerous of them all.

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