Chapter Fifty-Five: Jail Break

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Isador gave them a quick nod--he was not going to argue with them. He could tell they were far more seasoned at this than he himself was. He silently watched Eko disperse the canisters and ready his gun before responding. "Can do." He cracked his knuckles as he spun to face the door, readying himself mentally. *You got this, Isa... You have one chance here, please don't muck it up....* Real good and inspiring, right? Heh, he wished.

Isador stayed a few moments behind the men as they charged in and set off canisters. Happily Isador had a good understanding of how they worked. Dropping low to the floor he moved quickly towards the cells snagging random items as he went. These random items were what he could use to get the cell doors open. Isador arrived the door and practically melted upon hearing Aleksei's voice.

"Hello love..." Isador spoke just loud enough to slightly be heard. His attention snapped to the liger, than back to Aleksei. "Honestly not even surprised you have the liger..." *Because of course he does, Isa...* He got to work on the lock. In only took him mere moments to pop the lock, and he slid the door open. "I gotta get their men too..." Moving quickly he slipped to the other cells and got those locks open in what could've very closely been a record time. *Thank heavens for my odd curiosity of locks back in field training....* After sliding the cells doors open he went back to Aleksei feeling confident that the guys could easily get themselves through the mess Eko and his team were happily and crazily creating.

"We need to go now! I've got Aleksei!!" Isador shouted through the smoke to primarily Eko, even though he knew the entirety of both side's probably heard him. Taking Aleksei's hand Isador asked him quick questions in a more authoritative tone. "Are you badly hurt? Can you run?" He knew they had no time for leisurely talks or for him to mother hen him about the claw marks on his back. They needed to get out and get back to Cole's, especially if they wanted people to not get hurt or worse--killed. He was already beginning to try and lead Aleksei towards the exit as he awaited his response.


Aleksei rolled his eyes good naturedly, "I'm surprised they let me keep her." Aleksei smiled as he watched Isador work, he scooped up the piglet in his arms and got the liger's attention again, hopefully she was trained enough to follow him even with the stressful gun fire going off in all directions. Hell, it was even stressing Aleksei out himself.

"I'm fine. I'm fine, you can stop worrying. Its just a scratch." Aleksei sighed as Isador led him out of the building. He could be in worse conditions; he could be dead after The Executioner...The assassins now freed from their own cells quickly became back up for the group, "Eko, you guys fall back. We will cover you." One of them called out and Eko nodded, "Roger that, men let's go." Eko and his group began to slowly take backward steps in unison as they got behind the assassins and gave them their firearms instead. Eko quickly ran forward and took out a handgun as he helped Isador lead Aleksei out of the building.

"Wait." Eko stepped in front of the guys and allowed himself to slowly exit the escape door first, it was clear. "Come on." Eko replied as he made his way towards the car they drove in. No way all of them would fit in there. "Isador, quickly get one of those cop cars worked on. We need another vehicle." Eko ordered but just as the assassins followed them outside a particular sound shot up into the air as a rocket launcher took flight. The group all watched in a hushed silence as the launcher hit home.


Debris could be seen from the air as the ground shook with ferocity and sirens went off across the area. Immediately everyone knew what the target was...

Cole's mansions.

Everyone was still silent, and they shuffled around uncomfortably. Aleksei took a sweet glance at Isador before going over to the car and simply collapsing near it. God damn it. Jerome knew what he was doing. He used Aleksei as bait to get rid of Cole's top assassins and mercenaries. Aleksei now had no upper hands. Cole was the only alliance he had that had enough gun power to level with Jerome, he also just recently lost The Executioner, his friend, his ally and source of information and Alison...he promised she would be safe there and she wasn't. Ugh, could this get any worse? Aleksei was down in the dirt now.

The group watched him silently, they looked between each other and nodded, their boss was more than likely dead. Nothing to do now but continue to help Aleksei, If not for him, then for their boss.

"This could have all been avoided if you showed a little less compassion." The bald assassin finally spoke up again and Aleksei laughed, "It could've been avoided if you were better at your job and didn't have to resort to killing innocents so you could be more useful." Aleksei snapped back as he gently got the pig off of him.

"You little shit." He barked back but Eko stepped between the two, "we are all in a very bad mood right now, I get it, but we have nowhere to go. We are sitting ducks. You-" Eko pointed over to Isador- "we need a place to crash and regroup with any survivors, preferably a place well-guarded, do you have any ideas.?" Eko asked. Aleksei clearly didn't have a hiding spot because that was taken from him, theirs was just taken from them, maybe the car guy knew something.

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