Chapter Eighty-One: Death by Fire

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Aurora could faintly hear two familiar voices call out for her, "Luz, this way." she now began to pull Luz into the direction she heard the voices of Aodhan and Isador, "We're right here!" both girls began to yell out, Luz didn't know who she was yelling to but considering the situation stranger danger was hard to follow right now. Finally, Aurora could make out Aodhan in the distance and she full sprinted towards him with Luz close behind as soon as she was close enough to, she let go of Luz's hand and threw herself into a hug with Isador, refusing to let him go, like a clam locking his jaws shut.

"Hi..I'm...I'm Luz?" Luz greeted a bit nervously as she tried to get as close to these adults as possible, using them as a human shield to protect against the shoving crowd.

Aleksei continued to stare at his mother's body before hearing the faint sounds of his little sister crying due to the sudden, shocking noise and that caught Barbara's attention which caught Aleksei's attention.

"oh and the sweet girl, look at her. Aleksei what's her name?" Barbara approached the woman holding the baby but the women took a few steps back, she could already feel Aleksei's burning anger all over her, she would not allow Barbara to hurt this child while she was holding her, not doing it. Barbara seemed annoyed that the woman was going "off script" so to say but she dismissed her with a hand wave, "go. Leave her somewhere." Barbara rolled her eyes and the woman nodded silently before walking, okay, Ki Ki is no longer near Barbara, good. He also no longer heard the faint cries of Aurora, maybe she found Isador or safety, either way this was a good sign for Aleksei and he started to silently make his way to the back of the crowd, he approached Ghost and gave a stiff nod, "ubit' ikh vsekh" Aleksei ordered and Ghost nodded back, his team immediately started to move forward in unison and they began to fire shots indiscriminately, no doubt many civilians will get hit. The police also began to fire shots at Barbara's guys, working alongside Ghost but they tried to show some restraint to avoid harming innocent people.

Aleksei opened up a truck's trunk and grabbed a gun, he strapped the gun onto himself before slamming the trunk closed as he made his way through the shoving people, he pushed against them and that caused many of them to fall and trample over each other. Barbara watched him make his way over before she snapped at a guard, "well kill him!" she yelled and her men began to fire into the crowd, killing and injuring some civilians in the process but Aleksei did not stop, he opened fire right back and man did he let those bullets rain, he killed Barbara's most aggressive guards and she booked it, running for her life she went inside of town hall and Aleksei followed her, there was no point in running, he would catch up to her eventually and she will pay, she will pay greatly. A bullet was too kind. Far too kind. Aleksei got a dull kitchen knife from one of the food stands as he looked inside of the town hall for Barbara, carefully going through the darken rooms, suddenly someone came at him from the corner of his eye and pushed him into a wall, they went into struggle as she tried to grab the gun for him but it was no use trying to pull it away with a strap on.

"You're really going to kill me with a knife? Good luck." Barbara grabbed onto Aleksei's arms as she tried to overpower him and instead turn the knife on him but he easily took control of the situation, "You just made the greatest mistake of your life." Aleksei's voice was oddly calm as he made this threat, which caused her to become somewhat distracted and he suddenly let go of Barbara and she began to stumble into him, he then lifted his leg to kick her in the stomach, causing her to fly backwards and hit the wall. She scrambled to her feet but it was already too late, he was on top of her quickly and he pinned her to the ground, "any last words?" Aleksei put his hand over her throat as he silenced her from speaking, he then drove the dull knife into Barbara's stomach repeatedly, over and over, and over and over. He screamed with anguish as he did it, hell even after she was dead he still continued to stab her corpse.


The room went quiet as the woman with Kira accidently stepped on a piece of glass while trying to sneak past Aleksei, she let out a whimper as the bloody man got to his feet and stared at her.

"Please, I don't want any trouble. Here, here, take the child." she begged as she handed Kira over to Aleksei who gently took the child into his arms, the poor thing was crying viciously, Aleksei was worried she'd lose her voice.

"I'll do you a kindness." Aleksei looked at the woman who let out a sigh of relief, "thank you sir, thank you, you will never see my face again." the woman laughed out of pure terror as she began to hastily walk outside, Aleksei shifted Kira onto one arm and his gun on the other and...


He shot her in the back. That was his kindness, suddenly killing someone didn't take a toll on him, he wanted them dead. He wanted them all dead. Aleksei removed the gun off of him so he could comfortably sit down on the floor with Kira as he attempted to comfort her even with the sounds of bullets flying everywhere. He held her close and tight as he just hugged her, she didn't stop crying but feeling her heartbeat brought him comfort. She was okay. After a while inside of the hall, Aleksei began to walk back outside as the gun shots finally stopped, only to see that his men and the police were in a standoff. Weren't they working together?

"What's the problem?" Aleksei glared as he came over, the crowd had finally disappeared and now it was just Aleksei's men, the cops and some of Barbara's men that surrendered and now were in handcuffs. "Your orders Boss, was to kill them all. They won't let us kill the prisoners." Ghost explained the situation and head honcho police tried to reason with Aleksei, "There is no need to go against moral code, these prisoners have surrendered, no more bloodshed." he reached out to put a comforting hand on Aleksei's shoulder but Aleksei was already walking away, "well if they won't let you kill the prisoners then kill them as well. Ogon" Aleksei shouted out and Ghost began to shoot at the police who shot back, two of Aleksei's men were killed in the process but Aleksei came out victorious in the end. Ghost approached the cars with the prisoners inside of it but Aleksei stopped him, "no wait, I want to do the honors." Aleksei handed his sister to one his men and he walked over to the cars. He opened the gas to the cars and allowed it spill out onto the ground, he connected each car together in a gas chainlink before pulling out a lighter and starting the chain reaction. Was Aleksei a pyromaniac? Probably, that'll explain his obsession with death by fire.

Everyone watched with awe as the fire slowly made its way to the first car, roasting the person inside of it alive before the car could no longer take the heat and it exploded, onto the next car and to the next. How beautiful Aleksei thought.

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