Chapter Sixty-Nine: Just In Case

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Hearing Aurora give a small laugh brought some happiness back into Isador's heart. Truthfully it made him feel a bit better amidst the chaos that had just previously ensued in the main area of the building. He happily continued to hum softly, he rested his back against the bunk's ladder. Thankfully it was secured to the whole bunk setup with larger bolts. *Built to hold weight, that's for damn sure...* He remembered when Aodhan had given an explanation for such a fallout shelter like building... But that didn't matter right now. Isador locked his focus on Aurora. It wasn't hard, he was growing a bit fond of the little girl.

"I can respect the decision, too." Aodhan nodded, sliding his hands into his pockets. He shifted his weight more onto his right leg then, watching Ghost's reactions before looking over at Eko. "Playing stupid is a way of playing into ya own demise." Aodhan cocked his head a bit to the side, before laughing at Eko. It was clear to Aodhan that Eko was a lovesick puppy, Cupid himself seemed to have struck Eko the moment Doc entered the building. "Oh Eko, lad... I don't think anyone could ever be ready for Doc."

Doc kept her her attention on Kyle, tuning out the remarks from Aodhan and Eko. She did not have time to indulge either of them with words. Kyle didn't have time. Doing what she could, with what she had she attempted to clear Kyle's airway and keep him comfortable all at the same time. Deep down she felt that her efforts were futile. The more she worked the more she could see just how damaged Kyle was. To keep her mind away from much darker thoughts she answered Eko's questions. She also requested small tasks from Aodhan, who happily obliged her in being a gofer. He was happy to have a job to do. Aodhan was curious about where Aleksei went off to... He had only barely heard Benjamin's more venomous words to him. Aodhan always did like eavesdropping. It didn't take him long to figure out that Ghost had gathered 'Godzilla' -as he had called Aleksei before vanishing for a bit himself- back to the compound. He chose to avoid them and keep up with the tasks Doc gave him.

When it came to Kyle's passing Doc held his hand, pressing her fingers his wrist, feeling for the now absent pulse. She hated that she was correct about his condition. Quietly she removed the morphine IV, disposing of the needle in a small box that sat inside the duffle bag. She pulled out a white sheet, and gently laid it atop him. Yet another man she could not save. And from an injury that did not occur in any way shape or form naturally... She began to clean her equipment and pack it back into her bag. Aodhan assisted her without saying a word.

As for Isador, he spent the day holding Aurora as she slept. He barely moved, even though he knew he would be rather stiff once he did get up. This didn't bother him. He felt he was being useful, even if it was just to aid a little girl in resting peacefully. Isador himself did not sleep. Anytime he came close to drifting off Kyle's screams penetrated his mind, the scent of burning flesh... Not only that, but the events of the past days would come flooding back, and it was all becoming almost too much for him to handle. Even with all of this plaguing his mind, he was able to relax and rest himself in a way other than sleeping. That was until Ghost came into the room. Just upon his entrance Isador felt his heart drop. Somehow he knew what Ghost had come to tell him. And he hated that he was right.

"Yes... it did." Isador spoke softly as he felt the anger come bubbling back. Gently he placed Aurora on the bed, and tucked her in under the blankets. He picked up a notepad that he'd noticed in his hours of sitting with her, and scribbled a very quick note for her. All it really said was that he went to the main area, and that he'll come immediately if she needed anything. He tucked the corner of the slip of paper under the top bunk so once she sat up it would be very easily spotted. With that he got up and stiffly walked over to Ghost. "I don't wish to bother you long, but do you know where Aleksei is?" He was still speaking softly, not feeling the need to speak any louder.


Eko watched them clean up from a distance, seeing Kyle's body made him feel sad...why sad? You have experienced death time and time again. You have killed people time and time again, why does this bother you? Eko felt like a hypocrite for caring so much but it also felt humanizing. Despite Kyle not surviving, Eko felt better about himself while he trying to help Doc than he ever has before. Maybe that should be his job instead? Put down the gun and put on a coat, be a healer instead of a killer? No, it was too late for that now. Far too late. He looked away when he came to that conclusion, he will always be a killer. End of story. He'll live like a killer then die as a killer by the hands of a killer most likely. Just like Kyle.

Ghost watched Isador curiously as he made the note, how adorable, he was bonding with the child. He seemed hesitant to answer that question, he squinted his eyes as he thought about it. Aleksei wouldn't hurt him? Right? No...that was Kyle, this is Isador. "He's in the bathroom. That cat is in there too but I honestly can't tell you who is the more dangerous of the two." Ghost nodded him away. He grabbed his gun from his holster and handed it to Isador, "just take it, just in case." he added carefully.

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