Chapter Forty: Actual Plane? Yes, Please.

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Isador immediately felt he had messed up, and his heart dropped. "Yeah... sleep is a good idea." Slowly Isador laid down beside Aleksei. He wanted badly to touch Aleksei, to bring him into an embrace but something inside of him told him not to. He rolled onto his side, putting his back to Aleksei in an attempt to give him space while at the same time considering moving to the other bed. *You probably did mess something up...If not everything.* Isador curled up tight with his hands pressed together and pulled close to his chest. His stomach went in circles, and his mind raced. What if that was too far? What happens if that leads him to you being a Federal agent? Will he hurt you? How dumb of a question was that...

It took longer than normal for Isador to fall asleep. His mind refused to quiet down and his stomach didn't seem to be calming either. He did eventually slip into a slumber, a restless one, as he was rather twitchy and rolled over a few times. His restlessness got to the point where he decided to remove himself from the bed to not wake Aleksei. But instead of moving to the other bed, he just slid himself off of the bed and onto the floor. This time it did not take him long to fall back asleep, but just as before he was restless, tossing and turning throughout the rest of the night.


The night was awkward to say the least, this has been the first time in a long time that Aleksei hasn't spent the night cuddling away with Isador, a bed has never felt so empty and cold.

The morning came and still, the awkwardness was in the air. It was clear that Aleksei was still thinking about what Isador said but he was not willing to share his thoughts about it. Remember what I said about communication? Yeah, some months later and they were still working on that. Aleksei silently packed the little bit of clothes he had as he awaited for Isador, once Isador was ready to go they went to the front of the hotel, checked out and got a taxi to go to the airport.

Oh hey! They are flying in an actual plane this time. Fun.

They quickly were boarded and placed next to each other on a first class flight but yet Aleksei was still silent. The flight attendants could even sense his distantness and they were scrambling to make this flight pleasing for him, they offered many fruits with chocolate, some wine, hell, they offered an entire four course meal and yet they didn't get a simple smile from him. Tough crowd. Finally, after they brought out a plate of ribs is when Aleksei had enough and decided to give these poor ladies a break.

"Iits...its fine, no need for anything more. I would just like a book please, if you have that." he gave them a short lived smile as one nodded and left the room quickly before coming back to hand him a book, it was a children's book, a russian children's book. How sweet, she was paying attention. Regardless of the book genre, entertainment is entertainment. Aleksei, your boyfriend is right there, you could talk to him for entertainment, ya know? No, well okay then.

The flight was long, too long, almost 14 hours and Aleksei was running out of things to do to avoid talking to Isador, from reading the same book over 20 times, to stuffing his face, to getting drunk, to spending 3 hours in the bathroom, to trying to force himself to fall asleep, it was a long mission for him to say the least.

Finally, they landed and Aleksei smiled over to Isador as they got their stuff, "Now that we are here, I can finally tell you why we are here. You are here to meet my mother." Aleksei said softly, oh so we just aren't going to mention that then? Okay, anyways. Aleksei put on his crime hoodie as the cold hit them immediately, he decided to walk the snow which made it worse but at the same time, the house was only- and I use that term lightly in this situation, -it was only 10 minutes away from the airport. It was an old farm land that was covered in snow but it was clearly not kept and hasn't housed animals in a long time. There were a couple of wild sika deer inhabiting the area. Aleksei briefly remembered his mother mentioning that the only reason she was able to keep the property was because of his help and the income she got from allowing hunters to use the land.

He got to the doorstep and knocked on the door, after a moment of silence the door carefully opened and a blonde woman poked her head out, "Hello?" she questioned before seeing who it was, "Oh baby!" the woman yelled and opened the door with a harsh swing as she threw her arms around him lovingly.

"Hey mom..." Aleksei smiled back as he embraced her in return. She looked younger than what anyone would expect from a mother of a 20-something old man. If anyone were to see them together, they would probably think they were brother and sister, not mother and son.

They finally pulled away from each other and her piercing blue eyes caught Isador's, "who may you be?" she asked with an eyebrow raised quizzically.

Aleksei smiled at Isador before turning away, he would let him answer that question for himself.

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