Chapter Thirty-Two: Kidnapping A Grown Man

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Laying quietly with Aleksei cuddled into him was like a dream to Isador. A good dream, hell it was the best dream. One he was actually fully living in and he felt truly amazing. Cuddling was something Isador fully enjoyed. Skin to skin contact, warm contact. It was even better when he could hear Aleksei's breathing. It brought him into a very relaxed state. However when Aleksei got up, Isador felt a little a chill creep over him. He smiled and happily watched Aleksei slip out of the room on his quest to most likely retrieve something from downstairs. While he was away, Isador got up and slipped his clothes back on as well. He himself was unsure about what was next for the two of them. He had hopes, high ones at that, but one could never truly know how someone else could be feeling. *You want to be with him, that's what you want.* A smile spread across his face. He did, he really did. Previous boyfriends Isador had were nothing like Aleksei. Not even remotely, and that did not bother him. Aleksei was unique in so many ways and Isador truly adored that.

Isador sat on the bed while he awaited Aleksei. His mind raced and filled with thoughts about the future and what it could hold. *His arrest.* He paused then, and stared at the floor. What got him here, what allowed him to meet the man he's fallen pretty deeply in love with... was an undercover mission. *At least there's now two things you haven't lied about, Isa.* Nervously he cracked his hands, then rubbed them together. He'd have to report to them soon, and he did not plan on informing them of him and Aleksei. *Aleksei... that marvelous human being.* Isador relaxed once more. Right on time for Aleksei to pop back into the room. Isador smiled when he saw him. As Aleksei spoke he gave a nod. *At least he's also wanting to know what was next for you both.*

"I'd say that's how it works... I'd happily be a thing with you." Isador shifted a bit, laughing lightly as he patted the bed next to him. "What'd you bring up?"


Aleksei nodded at Isador's answer, "We are a thing then." he smiled before waving the bottle in the air, "Uh I got whiskey, I don't know if you like it but we can share this bottle, I don't drink as much as I used to." Aleksei said as he recklessly tossed the bottle onto the bed. He watched Isador for a bit, he just really loved that smile, that bright, pure smile.

He sat on the bed with Isador and opened the whiskey bottle, "To a new thing." he chuckled before taking a nice gulp of the drink. Aleksei didn't seem to know what cups were, I mean, why take shots when you have the whole bottle.

--5 Month Time Jump--

Wooo, Aleksei and Isador's relationship has been going strong now, he felt more confident just having this ball of great vibe by his side. He loved everything about Isador, what he thought he knew about Isador anyways. They spent the last 5 months just relaxing, some car thefts here and there, some business that Aleksei had to attend to, etc etc but now there was a special job Aleksei wanted to include Isador in and that was...meeting his mother!

Aleksei got a call from his mom about a month ago asking for him to come to russia to visit her, that made him more than happy and he felt so extremely lucky. He had Isador, he hasn't visited his mom in over 5 years, every contact they have had has been through calls and he would introducing someone he really liked to her, this was huge. Sure they've been official for only 5 months but Aleksei really did like him, not only as a boyfriend but as a really positive person in his life, plus, he wanted Isador with him for boredome's sake. Who knows how much trouble they could get into together in a totally foreign country. ALL of the warrants he could pile up. That was a joke, everything he does will be legal, promise.

Aleksei decided to not overthink about brining Isador with him, Isador was coming, whether he liked it or not. Call it a kidnapping if you must, "Ben baby we are going to russia!" Aleksei shouted happily as he approached him, talk about last minute plans? Well, he's been planning this for a month now, just didn't tell Benjamin until now. He probably needs to work on communication in this relationship.

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