Chapter Ninety-One: Closure

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Aleksei eyes quickly flickered over to Isador as he stood up, was he always there? Oh, how happy he was to see that face again, but he quickly noticed that Isador seemed afraid, Aleksei followed his gaze over to Ghost who got the hint and rolled his eyes, "I did nothing to him." Ghost hmphed and Aleksei glared at him, "I'm telling the truth, I didn't touch him. Some threats here and there but he is fine, I just don't appreciate being lied to about the people I work with." Ghost looked at Isador with a slight glare before caving, "fine fine, I'm sorry, okay?" Was he? Was he really? I mean Ghost clearly saw how Isador reacted to him each time he came into the room, ya think he would have said sorry earlier?

"I the one who told him to not tell you, I just didn't need to deal with that on top of Jerome and everything else." Aleksei tried to sound stern, but his voice was nothing but a mere whisper, "Anyways, he's leaving soon so can you do me a solid and just treat him alright until then?" Aleksei raised a brow and Ghost nodded, "yeah, I can do that." Ghost nodded his head towards Isador as he took a few steps back, "I'm no longer needed here." He stated as he left the room.

Aleksei let out a deep sigh and that caused him to have a coughing fit which caused some blood, but he just nonchalantly cleaned his hand on the blanket, " is Aurora?" Aleksei asked carefully, this felt awkward for him, very awkward, just yesterday Isador was angry at him for being too violent, again. Wait, was it yesterday? Aleksei looked around with his eyes squinted as he tried to determine how many days it has been before finally just deciding to ask Isador, "How long was I out?" He probably shouldn't be stressing his mind with that information, but he had to know.

Ghost decided to give Eko a call just so he could clear his mind, "Ekooo speaking." Eko answered the phone sounding ever so cheery, "You seem happy, it must be going good with you and Doc." Ghost mumbled over the phone.

"Its going fine, surprised she hasn't kicked me out yet, you don't sound so good though, how is everything there?" Eko questioned and that question caused Ghost to laugh out in pure mental anguish, "Aleksei is up again so, that's how its going."

"I mean, of course I'm glad to know that but I meant you, you sound...exhausted." Eko said carefully and Ghost nodded at his unique observation, "No shit, lost two of my guys back there, we have been at constant war, Aleksei is at a critical condition and I'm losing my mind."

"Put down the gun, I'm telling you. Put it down. Killing only leads to more killing. Angry environments only lead to angry thoughts. Depressing environments lead to depressing thoughts. Remove yourself from it all." Eko tried to help him here, but Ghost seemed dismissive at first.

"Oh, so I should run off with a doctor like you did? Thanks for the advice." Ghost rolled his eyes, but Eko corrected him, "no, you should find closure."

Ghost was about to reply but Eko quickly spoke up again, "sorry brother, I have to go. Text me though!" Eko made a kissing noise through the phone before hanging up. Wow. As Ghost sat there thinking about the very short conversation, he came to the conclusion that he would indeed find closure. Ghost got up to his feet and made his way over to where Aodhan was, he knocked on the wall to get his attention, "Sup, I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done, I have to go take care of something so Aleksei is in your own now, officially." Ghost gave him a genuine smile before walking away. He went to the armory and got undressed from his tactical gear and put on some normal clothes, "You still have time to change your mind." He whispered to himself, but he shook that thought out of his mind, no Ghost it was over, and you know what? That's okay. It will all be okay.

Ghost left the warehouse and took his truck to start driving out of state and into the next one, he stopped at a police station with his hands in the air as he entered, "I am Ghost...real name Justin Zamiski and I am here to turn myself in. I will sign my rights away, but I will not snitch on anyone else." Ghost allowed the hesitant offers to put him cuffs and behind bars.

This will be his way of getting closure, being held responsible for his crimes.

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