Chapter Fifty-Six: Headquarters

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Isador laughed a little at Aleksei's response about the liger. *They probably hoped she'd kill and eat you, honestly.* He wouldn't dare say that out loud, not now. "Even being just a scratch do you know how much bacteria is in a cat's claws?" He kept Aleksei close to him as they moved, listening and watching Eko closely as he and the others moved. For a moment it felt like maybe they had a chance, just maybe. Isador was very calm, and rather collected in the midst of all the gunfire. He was happy to have the men he did have aiding them, gave him the confidence he needed to keep pushing for the exit.

On command Isador stopped and kept his eyes locked on Eko as he checked their escape route. As soon as he told them to Isador moved, his eyes darting around with mild concern. "I can do...." Isador trailed off as he heard the sound. The sudden helpless that took hold of him, crushing him internally. He had no words. None. All that confidence about having a chance exploded into a million little pieces as he watched the debris fall. That was a catastrophic blow, Isador knew that much. He felt his heart break more as he remembered Alison. His shoulders dropped then, a wave of sadness plowed into him like a semi who's brakes went out on a steep mountain road. He hadn't even noticed Aleksei's departure from his side, at least not until he heard that ass of a hairless assassin speak up. Isador was ready to throw down with the man himself had Eko not stepped in. It didn't even matter to Isador that the guy was gunning for Aleksei. *I will not let harm befall Aleksei right now.* He no longer looked sad, that heart broken mess of a person had stepped aside to reveal a rather mean looking one. One who certainly wasn't going to take shit or allow it to be given to the man he loved.

The question bounced into Isador's head and pinged around a moment--a short one too-- before he gave a quick nod. "Actually, I think I do... and one that Jerome most likely does not know about." A crooked smile made an appearance on Isador's face then. He did have one friend, a friend who he knew from quite a long while ago. "I'll get us another car ready and give a friend of mine a call."

With that Isador turned, looking at Aleksei for a moment before giving him a half-hearted wink, then whipped out his phone as he headed off towards another vehicle. He gave a light jog to cover ground quicker as the phone rang. Only two rings and a man answered. Isador spoke in fairly solid Gaelic as he prepared a car, working quite fast as he did so. This wouldn't do much for them, but he wanted to feel of use. *After all... it's you who wanted to break Aleksei free..* He tried to stop thinking about that as he conversed, but the thoughts kept creeping up on him everytime he awaited responses.

After getting the car running and hanging up his phone, Isador looked over at Eko and Aleksei. "He says come on over." Isador looked only slightly nervous now. *Oh Aodhan will certainly not be pleased when you show up with these people... Shush, brain, he'll probably actually like them.*


Aleksei watched Isador before looking down at his feet, was the hairless assassin right though? Aleksei had a chance to have Jerome killed and he missed it, now that costed the lives of hundreds of people, including those who offered to help him and those who came to him for help. Who could trust him now? He couldn't even trust himself. Eko eventually sat down next to him and tried to give him some words of advice.

"Hey, you're in a tough spot but as a former good guy with a gun I can tell you now that even when you're trying to save innocent people, some innocent people will get hurt. That's just how this is. If not by you, then by Jerome." Eko smiled but Aleksei didn't smile back.

It was kind of too late for that, he had a chance and now he had to play it safe. He looked up at the group of guys he had with him then back at Eko before nodding, he stood up and Eko followed him as Isador called over.

"You guys follow behind us." Eko told his assassin buddies and they nodded, they simply got in the car they came in while Eko's group got into the police car with Isador and Aleksei. They definitely needed some space apart. After getting Ms. Kitty and Little Piggy loaded up Aleksei decided to drive because if he was left without anything to do then he would go crazy but even as he drove, he was only able to think about Jerome and the people who died. He couldn't keep doing this, he had to find a solution. Find a way to get rid of his enemy with minimum damages but how does he get rid of a very dangerous enemy with one...two...8? People not including himself and Isador. Well, Cole did say his men were worth a dozen people each.

"Put in the gps to" Aleksei blinked out of space and came back into reality as he realized that he didn't know where the hell he was going and he was just driving to drive. Once the gps was put in, he got more comfortable and just focused on getting them to their destination alive. As they drove it was clear that the city was in shambles, police cars would pass them time and time again, sirens would go off occasionally, the strong scent of fire smoke filled the car despite the windows being closed, it was hell. "Just get there first Aleksei, worry about..." as he talked to himself, he realized that he forgot a very important person, but he wouldn't turn back now, get them there first then go back for he later.

"Wooo, okay its starting to get hard to breath in these things." Eko broke the silence by taking off his mask and revealing a blonde, green eyed, 30 something years guy. "Yeah, no need to hide our faces now." The Ex-fed sighed as he too revealed his face, and he leaned back into his seat. Ah, Ex-Fed Justin Zamiski, went AMI only four years after being assigned his duty, everyone suspected that he was dead but clearly, he wasn't.

As they arrived at the destination, everyone filed out and stared at Isador...what was this place and who are your friends? Was the question that they were all asking him through mind reading.

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