Chapter Fifty-Seven: Enter Aodhan

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Isador got into the car as the others approached, his usual silence coming over him as he got himself put back together mentally. Isador was relieved about Eko's call to have the assassins take the other vehicle. He himself did not want to be around them, namely the one with no hair and what was starting to feel like the braincell's to match that. As soon as the words left Aleksei's mouth, he was quick about putting the address in the GPS.

He stole small glances in Aleksei's direction, trying his damnedest to ignore the world outside the cars windows. This was something no one could have predicted. Not the FBI, not the two

now deceased crime bosses, and certainly not Isador. Aleksei was probably the only one who could have maybe had a tiny idea about this... and Isador only thought that because Aleksei definitely knew Jerome better. Even then, it was pretty safe to say Aleksei had no clue just how far Jerome would take it. Honestly, no one really could know. The smell of the smoke caused Isador to cough lightly, his lungs protesting the no longer clean air.

To say Isador was a bit shocked to discover just who the ex-fed was... well it'd be an understatement. He did his best keep his reaction to himself, finally taking in their surroundings. What used to be familiar to him looked like a foreign land stricken by an unkind apocalypse. *Were there kind apocalypses Isador?* He began to fidget with his hands then, nervous about everything that was most certainly coming.

As they approached their destination, a roughly two story warehouse came into view. It looked rough, and that was saying something considering everything around it was nearly the definition of rough looking. It was not as big as some of it's neighbors and seemed like it was ducking under them for protection. Surrounding it was an eight foot tall chain link fence with a mess of barbed wire strapped to the top of it. All together the fence stood at ten feet tall, and seemed to only be there to deter theft. There was a parking lot just before the extra wide gates, one of which had a few straggling semis parked in it, looking as if they had been abandoned in the midst of the chaos around them. Their trailers were unmarked, enclosed box trailers too. A small guard box sat by the gate, the windows were very darkly tinted. *Aodhan didn't want people to see whoever stood guard inside the little building... Never really asked him why, did ya Isa?* Isador felt a sense of relief flow through him at the sight of the warehouse still standing, looking kind of like it stood a chance.

Almost happily Isador stepped out of the car and nearly immediately felt all eyes on him . *That's to be expected...* He pulled out his phone and shot a text to Aodhan before addressing everyone. "Welcome to a place I like to call the Grand T Auto warehouse." Isador tried to lightened the mood with an absolutely terrible pun-joke thing. This was a warehouse that he helped--well, tried to help-- a fellow agent do a bust on. The only problem was Aodhan had taken all of the cars inside and replaced them with ones he actually owned, giving the other agent nothing to work with. Isador had talked to him occasionally when he stole cars with Aleksei, telling Aodhan he wasn't going to rat him out. *After all, it didn't go as planned the first time, trying again would lead to more embarrassment and a possible lawsuit for harassment.*

"The guy I talked to... his name is Aodhan. He runs a... car... a stolen car market, is probably the best description I can give for it... Nearly all his sales are out of state though... he doesn't like getting tied up in between groups business wise..." Isador paused and looked at Eko, then Aleksei. "But he is willing to help us." As if he'd been waiting for some unspoken cue, a man with short spiky dark brown hair stepped out of the gate guard building and began to walk over to the group, keeping his hands up and in view to do his best not to pose as a threat. The man seemed to stand roughly six foot tall, wore casual grease smudged jeans and a t-shirt with a faded logo for the band Queen on the front of it. His hands looked to be a bit darker than the rest of him. He stopped a good ten or so feet from the group.

"Dia dhuit, fellows. Ma'name is Aodhan... Happy to be of assistance." Aodhan spoke with a slight Scottish/Irish accent--Isador could never really tell the difference between the two accents, Aodhan was the only person he knew with this particular way of speaking-- and kept his hands visible.

(Dia dhuit means hello in gaelic)


As Isador spoke the boys looked between each other, with Aleksei looking at Eko and Eko looking at Justin before they all looked at Isador again, was that supposed to be a...joke. Aleksei gave him a very weird smile of encouragement to at least make Isador feel better about it, no doubt he was trying to help erase the tension and he did, instead of everyone feeling hateful towards each other they just felt awkward instead. Nice Job, Isador. You did it.

"Stolen car market...interesting." Justin spoke up before looking over to the approaching guy with a scoff, "Trust me my friend, you can put your hands down. Car thefts are no threat to us." Justin smiled sadistically. Aleksei examined the guy before looking at Isador then back at him.

"Thank you for housing us, I'm sure it wasn't easy to come to this decision. Do you have any place for us to bed, we can sleep on the floor if need be." Aleksei smiled and just as he did Ms. Kitty got out of the car with the pig following, Aleksei felt bad, they both needed their own place to feel comfortable and they had just been jumping from area to area. Ms. Kitty lifted her nose to smell the area before letting out a sneeze of disgust. That smell. The smell of destruction.

The bald assassin glared at Aleksei and Aleksei could feel that burning against him but instead of snapping like last time, Aleksei only smiled as he spoke up again, "Sir, Aodhan, do you know if those semi-trucks and those trailers are useable?"

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