Chapter Forty-Six: Contact

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The words stung Isador harshly. He may not of known Ramona like Aleksei did, but he always got the feeling she had similarities with Aleksei. As is she was just cut from the mafia and mob cloth, but chose to stray away from the path slightly. He could also tell that her death was cutting deep into Aleksei, in a way Isador wasn't going to be able to heal on his own. He could already tell where the conversation was going.

Isador knew he'd be able to make some phone calls and possibly get back-up from the feds. Hell he might even be able to broker a deal with them... He wasn't sure if he wanted to, but knew he could maybe get Aleksei a hand. "I know you probably do not want me to go with you... But.." Isador paused, he had to really think this through and say it the best way he could. "I may have some contacts we... we could use during this." Isador was well aware of the dangers, he had updates streaming into his phone every few hours. He knew that Aleksei would be in pretty immediate danger over in the States, he also knew that's why he didn't want Isador going with him. But Isador would simply not have it, he knew staying here was the safer option, he did, but he also knew he may be more assistance to Aleksei if he was with him.

"I love you, and I could not bare not knowing... Shit I can't bare the thought of you dying..." Isador was unsure if he was trying to convince Aleksei or himself that him going would turn out okay.


Aleksei chuckled a little bit, how adorable he thought, "contacts? You?" Aleksei entertained the idea. Come on, we were talking about a little car thief that only stuck by Aleksei's side most of the time. You can't blame him for laughing.

Aleksei did say before that they were partners and he knew that Isador would be stubborn about this. why can't he just agree to stay home and stay safe? Value your damn life. But Aleksei knew that he was being a hypocrite because if the roles were reversed, he would also be begging to go.

"Fine, you can come." Aleksei finally agreed. He hoped he didn't live to regret this, "just please..." he trailed off before composing himself once again. "Please, stay safe. Just as you cannot bare the thought of me dying, I cannot bare the thought of you dying as well, especially if I could prevent that death by making you stay here." he said sternly. Ooo Aleksei put on his big boy voice. Such a sudden dominance that came from his redirected anger and worry.

He would have to break this news to his mom next, she won't be happy...he wasn't happy either mom but some things had to be done. Its like what Taylor Swift says, "I don't love the drama, it loves me." and if Aleksei kept finding himself in this drama, it probably just meant that this is where he was meant to be all along. Yes, we are quoting Taylor Swift for inspirational words for the mafia. It works.

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