Chapter Forty-Seven: Stateside Bound

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Isador understood why Aleksei laughed. After all, he was not aware that his boyfriend was actually a federal agent named Isador who really did fall in love with him and basically forget that he was supposed to be getting Aleksei arrested and charged. Whoops. "Oh yeah, quite a few of them actually... some might not be..." Isador trailed off then, his heart began to pick up it's usual nervous beating as he gave Aleksei's hand a squeeze. Giving Aleksei a nod he smiled, happy that he agreed to let him come with him. Although he quite liked it when Aleksei got stern. "I will do my best to stay safe, and even if you left me here by force, I can always just follow you." *Because I'd follow you to the ends of the Earth...*

Isador was more concerned about whether or not Aleksei's mom and Kira would be safe here by themselves. There was much more to care for once they left. Of course, Isador had hopes they would come back... if that is, they survived.


Aleksei seemed to think about the contacts of Isador, considering that he didn't specify who these contacts were made Aleksei a bit...uneasy? Was that the right word for it? No, maybe more curious. Is Isador really more dangerous than he seemed? I guess he will find out sooner or later.

"I love you, Benjamin." Aleksei randomly said before kissing him passionately, did he want to take this further? Maybe but doing the dirty after getting a call about a close friend passing is a little bit, just a tiny bit offensive, plus he had work to do.

"At the end of the week, we will go back to the states, no matter how many supportive figures I am able to pull." Aleksei added before gently pulling his hand away from Isador, "Have to talk to mom." he said a bit sadly, but sadness was expected. If they survived...hmm, wasn't that something interesting to think about. Could this be the beginning of the end? Who knew. but Aleksei did know one thing, no matter what, he would not leave the people in the hands of Jerome. Dead or Alive, he will get rid of that monster.

He left the room to go find his mother, she was currently feeding Kira, look how big she has gotten, look how big the kittens have gotten! He watched them silently, waiting for her to finish her task of feeding a very stubborn baby before he approached. "She has become a handful. She wasn't this fussy when we first got here." Aleksei spoke up and she chuckled, "She learned from you, you are just as stubborn as she is." She replied before seeing that his smile didn't reach his eyes. She knew her son better than anyone, "You're leaving again, aren't you?" she immediately asked, and Aleksei winced. If this is what his mother's first assumption of him is then that is terrible, what makes him feel worse is the fact that she is right, he is leaving again.

"Yes mom. I just got a call...a friend has died, and I just need to go down there again for a while." Aleksei frowned and she nodded, "I am so sorry for your loss...of course, I'm sure you have unfinished business there." she replied and gave him a hug. Unfinished business? She didn't even know a quarter of it.

After that discussion was over, he went outside with the mules to take a very important phone call, "What do you want, boy?" an elder man's voice rang through the phone coldly, "I heard about what had happened to Romana, I want to help get revenge for her. You and The Boss were the strongest leaders, but you also had ties to local law enforcement. We need that." Aleksei simply cut to the chase, there was no having a nice conversation with a man like this.

"We? What makes you think I will work with you? Why do I need your help? What asset are you to me?" The Boss 2.0 laughed back, and Aleksei scoffed, "I am not an asset to you, you are an asset to me. The throne Jerome sits on is mine to claim, as my former Boss will either help me take it back or you are my opposition. Decide." Aleksei replied with a very aggressive, take no bullshit tone.

The line fell silent. Shit, did he just dig his grave? Is it too late to apologize?

"I was wondering when those balls of yours would drop. Finally, you sound like someone worthy of supporting." Ramona's dad finally said over the line. "You have my support and the support of those whom I work with. I also have contacts in the local law enforcement. They are small guys though; they don't even have many guns. Pathetic. If you really want this to work, you will need federal involvement." He then added.

Federal involvement? I mean yeah, he knew that but getting their support would be impossible. They would happily lock him up and throw away the key while thinking they could handle Jerome all on their own, "we will see about that." Aleksei simply answered before hanging up. That was easier than expected. Sweet.

Don't get cocky now Aleksei...the game is just beginning. Aleksei was surprisingly good and calculated when it came to mafia politics. He was able to gather many, many support as the week finally came to an end. It was time to go back to where it all began.

--End of the week timeskip---

Boarding the plane seemed surreal, maybe the plane would crash, and they wouldn't have to worry about it at all? Nope...that plan of the plane crashing was thrown out of the window when the plane began to safely land. They were here.

"You ready?" Aleksei asked Isador with a smile, it was just a smile of comfort, he definitely wasn't ready himself. As they got off of the plane, four cars were waiting for them. They were heavily tinted and completely black. Aleksei felt like the president. They were being escorted back to Ramona's father's mansion via entourage. It made him feel so much better seeing how heavily bullet proof these cars were. "See, we're doing good so far." Aleksei chuckled, now he was simply trying to convince himself. The drive was silent besides Aleksei cracking out jokes here and there, they were bad ones but again, that was his nervous trait, rambling on. The people escorting them were merely soldiers and had no reason to discuss anything with them. Not really the friendliest, most open of people.

They got there after a 30-minute drive and wowza, the mansion? That's what you call these things? No no no, that my friend was a castle fit for a king. They were then led towards where Ramona's father was waiting.

"Sir." Aleksei greeted him with a polite bow of his head. "You can call me Cole but before we get to business. There is a lady waiting for you in the other room, she arrived shortly before you did when she heard you were coming." 'Cole' said and pointed them towards that direction.

Aleksei seemed confused, come on Cole, don't do this to him. Don't let in a damsel in distress knowing damn well she could be an assassin. It better not be Barbra. He looked hesitant, no, he didn't want to see who it was because that person could try to kill them. Oh well. He took a deep breath before going over to check the room. Oh hey! It was her, that girl that kissed 'MouseTrap' on the stage during the ceremony. Oh, guess what! She hated him. She was also an assassin, that was her occupation at the mafia. Why was she here? Aleksei seemed to glare at her, keeping a proper distance before realizing that she was curled up into a ball and crying, his heart sunk. While this could still be a trick, he couldn't help but feel sympathy, he approached her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Hey...Allison...what happened?" Aleksei asked and she sniffled, trying to keep her tough girl persona she answered while clearly still shaking.

"Jerome...horrible...horrible things to the women there. He used Barbra, she told us that it would be okay, that it was just a business thing...she lied...he..." she was just seconds away from another breakdown. Aleksei quickly wrapped her in his arms to comfort her. Hell, killing everyone else was one thing but victimizing those that supported you, that's another thing. It was vile.

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