Chapter Sixty-Five: Collateral Damage

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Isador gave a nod to Aleksei. "That makes sense, I mean, you haven't really taken a moment to actually breathe, sleep, hydrate, or eat..." He watched Aleksei's movement, examining each of them. He was happy to see Aleksei drink water, see him take that moment to care for himself. It brought some peace to Isador, especially after the emotional trainwreck he just experienced. Something deep inside of himself told him Aurora would allow him to tell Aleksei himself, and he would. That feeling was pushed aside when Aleksei did not return Aurora's smile. Isador tried his best to aid Aleksei as he stood up, his silent demeanor had returned, the tidal wave of turmoil had vanished with Aleksei's awakening.

Isador was only slightly relieved that Ghost had answered Aleksei. He would've answered for Aurora, had Ghost not appeared. His stomach was starting to do circles. Aleksei felt off...Seemed off... *Lack of sleep...? Lack of something...?* Isador snapped out of his thoughts when Aleksei lashed out with an aggression he did not recognize.

He met Aurora's gaze, he could see the worry in them. He gave her a soft smile before holding Rosey out to Aurora. "Thank you...It'll be okay..." He whispered to Aurora as he handed her the stuffed rabbit, and trailed behind Ghost and Aleksei. Isador felt his stomach twisting in knots now. This entire moment in time felt terribly wrong. Even that little girl could sense it.

What Isador witnessed, had him frozen to the floor. Horror was spread across his face as he watched Aleksei rather willingly burn the face off of a man who did not follow Aleksei's wishes. He couldn't move. He just stared as he began to smell burning flesh. He felt nauseous. The pleading voice of Kyle rang in his ears. This was almost worse than watching the Executioner and Co torture and kill the other rats.

He locked his eyes on Aleksei as he walked away from the damage he just caused. He felt fear then. Straight fear of the man he loved. *That is not the man you fell in love with anymore... There's a darkness to him.* Isador's mind was rather silent except for that one thought. He felt like his feet were cemented to the floor. His limbs felt heavy. He hoped and prayed that Aurora had stayed in the bunk area. *By everything holy...* Even as an atheist, Isador felt the need to pray for their safety. Them being Aurora and himself mainly. He felt the others weren't in near as much danger if they kept to Aleksei's rules.

Gradually he began to walk towards Aleksei. Each step felt as if it was taking an eternity. He stopped five feet from Aleksei. "What the hell was that?" Isador had a hint of aggression in his tone. It was driven by his new found fear of Aleksei. *My Aleksei... would never...* His mind trailed off on itself. Isador felt the pain entering his chest. *Imagine what he'll do if you tell him... Probably something way worse than lighting you on fire, Isa...* His eyes clearly showed fear, after all, he was absolutely terrified of Aleksei now. He did not feel safe... But this is what Kyle kept demanding from Aleksei...


Aleksei absentmindedly ate the chips before he took a swift glance at Isador as he watched him come over, "I gave him what he wanted is all, he'll survive." Aleksei said nonchalantly before actually realizing just how scared Isador seemed. He examined his lover carefully, a small pang in his heart washed over him as he put two and two together,Isador wasn't just mad, he was afraid. He was afraid of him but not again, Aleksei would not back down, not this time. He was pushed over the edge.

"It was necessary, collateral damage as he called it. As soon as I did that everyone else fell in line, perfectly. Seems Kyle was right. Now that Jerome is gone I just need to get order back" he said as the pained moans of Kyle could still be heard. At this point, Eko and Ghost were trying to get him comfortable in a corner as the man had trouble breathing. "My god..." Eko whispered and Ghost shook his head, "Don't think this was his work." Ghost frowned as he looked into the direction Aleksei and Isador was. Aleksei didn't care enough to even attempt to comfort Isador, why bother? He did what he did, Isador would have to get over it.

As for Aurora, she could hear the screams, she had no reason to go down there. She knew all too well what was happening, it was basically envisioned into her mind already.Instead she hid under one of the blankets in one of the beds and just cuddled her sweet rabbit. Not even she could handle such a sound.

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