Chapter Nineteen: Hee-Haw

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Isador was fine until the men showed up. The whole walk he spent putting himself in the right mindset for the tasks at hand. He went from nervous to calm and collected... until the heavily armed men halted them and began to ask questions. To make it worse, Aleksei spun them a very unbelievable story about them being Irish *Why the heck did he choose to go Irish? He wasn't even that good at the accent* Bear hunters whose dog was ill...

*Can't convince, confuse them...* Isador bit his bottom lip to hold back laughter for most of Aleksei's little story, but immediately went still and a bit rigid when the two men recognized Aleksei. What made it worse was when they asked who he was. *Well, you see sirs I'm a fed who was picked as a sacrificial lamb for this mission, considering that the others who took it were waaay more experienced than I... But if I say that I'll be triple dead.*

"M-me?" Isador stuttered a bit, he was growing anxious again. *That was a wonderful first expression for these two men... idiot.* Quickly Isador slid his hands into his front pockets, relaxing his body and smiling slowly. Honestly he had no idea who to be. *Certainly not Aleksei's 'pet tiger' as the star-crossed lovers had called him earlier. If he was anything, he'd probably wanna be a leopard... much more sneaky.*

"I'm nobody." He thought about how this could play out. Probably not looking great, but he did get warned that being shot at was normal for this... But these men probably had a little respect for Aleksei right? His sniffing out feds was pretty remarkable, even if Isador had no dang idea how he did it. "Nobody to be concerned about."

He looked slightly over at Aleksei, hoping for some sign from him on what the plan currently was.


"Yes, Y-You." The Russian mocked as he glared at Isador, clearly Aleksei wasn't in the right mindset so maybe they could pick on this guy instead. Both men watched Isador carefully, waiting for a moment to strike but Isador's newfound confidence made them back off just a bit.

"Yeah, that's right, Nobody." Aleksei huffed defending his friend. The two men looked towards each other and small smile slowly spreads across both of their faces as they came to a telepathic mutual agreement.

"Well, you say you're big game hunters right?" The Russian started, "Well, big game hunters can't possibly carry all of that meat themselves. You need help transporting it back home."The Italian continued for him.

Aleksei nodded, "yes yes, that is why we need one of your fine vehicles. Glad we can come to that understanding." Aleksei smiled as he looked at Isador with a 'See? This worked' face before turning to the two men.

"No no no nooo, your ancestors didn't use fancy cars when they hunted bears. We have something even better, that will also help you connect with your ancestors more." The Russian winked as the Italian man ran off . Aleksei brows furrowed in thought as he wondered what it could've been, it must've been some old car. Did it matter? Nope, any car would do, this was just about messing with them after all. Though, it seemed they had the upper-hand.

They waited there for around 10 minutes before a distinct sound could be heard coming over...

Hee heee heeee hawwwwww

What the fuck was that?

Soon the Italian man was riding over in a very old looking hunting wagon being pulled by two mules. One was a dark bay color while the other one was white. What in the red dead redemption was this?

"What is that?" Aleksei asked with a scrunch of his nose, the Russian walked over to him, swinging an arm over Aleksei's shoulder and pulled him close, he placed the gun at Alekse's chin as he gave him a buddy smile, "You are very valuable cargo, so I can't kill you. I kinda respect you but I'm not letting you take the car alive. Take the wagon and get out of here." he said, the smile still on his face.

Aleksei smiled back and nodded, "Pleasure doing business with you." Aleksei accepted the...very thoughtful offer through his own gritted smile, "Come on Nobody, time for us to go.." Aleksei called towards Isador as he pulled away from the man and went to his new ride. He gave the mule a gentle pet, checking them over before hopping into the wagon. He was already taking out his phone to call...someone? As he waited on Isador to get on.

Once Isador was in, he started the mules and began to take the wagon back towards where they parked his cute little truck. "Honestly, I would rather have been shot dead in that moment than return home with two mules and wagon." Aleksei pouted. Almost as if they working him, the mules responded with a "Heehaw".

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