Chapter Eighty-Two: Failed Promises

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Aodhan heard them first and charged in the direction of the girls. He continued to call out to them until the moment Aurora latched onto Isador. Isador happily squeezed Aurora close to him, trying not to squeeze her too tight, but tight enough that no one in the world could pry her from him. "I'm so glad you're okay!" He whispered to her, feeling a small sense of relief wash over him with her in his arms.

"Pleasure, Luz. I'm Aodhan. This is Isador." Aodhan pivoted his body to prevent anyone from crashing into Luz. "You'll be safe with us." Aodhan gently placed a hand on Luz's shoulder, keeping physical contact would help him keep her near him. He quickly scanned the area. "Isador, if I can get them to one of the vehicles people won't be able to get to them." Isador gave Aodhan a nod, and with a quick motion he began to carry Aurora in the direction of where their vehicles were. Aodhan scooped up Luz. "Sorry if this frightens you little one... Rather you come with us and be safe... We can track your parents down when the guns take a moment to rest." With that said, Aodhan kept on Isador's tail, knocking anyone who dared to attempt to plow into him to the hard ground. No one would hurt this little girl if he had any say in it.

Once at the truck Aodhan had driven in by himself, Isador quickly whipped around the truck-- putting it between them and the gunfire, giving them a big metal shield.. He could tell an old western style gunfight was ensuing behind them. *Dammit!! You're failing your promise!* Isador gritted his teeth. That wasn't entirely known yet... and he honestly felt they deserved this death. It was in this moment Isador chose to lean against the truck and just hold Aurora. He was afraid to lose her if he let her go. Once Aodhan got to that side of the truck he set Luz back onto the ground close to the truck's cab near Isador.

"It's a bloody fuckin' mess..." He was breathing a tad heavily, having not done a workout like that in what felt like years. He looked down at Luz as he addressed her. "Luz, darling, ya okay?" But Isador was not listening to Aodhan's words. No his focus currently was locked on the town hall. On the sound of the guns firing off. At the sounds of the terror filled cries. Innocent people were being shot. They were being hurt. *Worse, they are dying.* Isador's heart felt as if it was on the verge of shattering again. He held Aurora closer as he scanned the crowd. He couldn't see Barbara, nor Aleksei. He could only really find Ghost and his men-- moving and shooting. He placed his hand on the back of Aurora's head, and quietly hummed the lullaby. He didn't do it fully for her, but for himself as well. Aodhan kept close to Luz, a hand rested on a pistol that was strapped to his hip. This was where the two held their ground, waiting for the guns to stop. The truck itself was backed just out of the way, in a strategic position. *As if Aodhan expected this to not end well...* Isador thought calmly, his focus now was on keeping Aurora safe and trying to calm her.

As the gun fire ceased, Isador peaked over the top of the truck bed. He was quick to pinpoint Aleksei out of the crowd still standing. He was covered in blood, and holding a small child. *Kira...* Isador's mind raced for a moment, shaking his head he cleared any bad thoughts. His stomach turned as he watched the next scenes unfold. The fierce gunfire resumed as Ghost and his men opened fire on the policemen. Isador ducked back down, he no longer wished to witness death.

"Holy bells what are they doing?" Aodhan shouted at Isador, who did not respond to him. As the gunfire let up, Isador once more peaked over the truck bed. His heart dropped, shattering itself on the cold hard ground as he watched Aleksei prepare the men the cops had captured for their hellscape of a death. *You failed. Isador watched as the fire leapt and danced across the gasoline trail Aleksei had laid out. The first car seemed to take the longest to heat up. The sound of it exploding caused Isador to jump, whimper, and squeeze Aurora. Aodhan leaned over Luz, in case the now exploding cars sent any debri flying. "You're alright, little one..." Aodhan spoke softly to Luz. He truly hoped her parents were alright, and that it wouldn't take him long to locate them.

After a few cars he stood, and watched Aleksei. Not the cars or the gorgeous dancing flames as they licked at the graying heavens above... Only Aleksei. The blood covered Aleksei, who allowed policemen, who had helped him, be slaughtered at his request. That angry tidal wave was re-emerging, the only thing that held it at bay was Aurora. Her safety and comfort mattered more to him in this moment than his anger for the burning cars.

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