Chapter Seventy-Five: For Good

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Isador felt a flicker of happiness when Aleksei's lips met his own. For a moment, every problem seemed to vanish. And just as quickly as they vanished, they popped back up and practically slapped Isador across the face. *I can't leave for you? Oh Aleksei... no...* Isador's chest tightened when hearing those words. It wasn't hard for Isador to get a hint at what Aleksei was trying to do.

"No... That cat is probably in a different state with a different family... With people who love and treasure her. I won't get her back." Isador looked away from Aleksei then, the tight feeling in his chest began to grow. "I don't want to report back into them... ever." He stared at the floor, anger bubbling up inside of him. This anger was not geared toward Aleksei, no, it was geared toward himself. "I won't tell them. I only wanted to tell you." Isador brought his hands back to his lap, his fingers curling into his palms. He dug his nails into himself, the burning sensation of his nails pressing into his skin gave him a small moment of relief from the pressure in his chest. "Aleksei..." Isador's voice was now firm, his gaze remained locked onto the floor. "You are the only reason... I feel like I matter in this hateful world anymore..." These worlds came out in a lighter, more broken tone. Finally Isador looked back at Aleksei, pain and anger were in easily spotted in his eyes. "I would do anything for you... But I can't go back to them...Not even when this is over."

This would not be a time when Isador allowed his usual timid self let another person to tell him what he should do. He loved Aleksei, and reporting back in would take him away. And given that knowledge, Isador would not want to continue to be an agent. No, he'd want to vanish into the wind. Isador then spoke, but not in english, no he took a different route. He spoke in Russian. "The only thing I want, love, is to be with you, for the rest of my life. Whether that be a few days, or a many years, I am fully prepared to make the necessary sacrifices." This was one of the rare moment Isador was confident in his decision. It was also a moment he was proud of himself for learning what was a more difficult language for him.


I'm the only reason you feel like you matter in this world? Oh Isador you deserve so much better, so much more and since you refuse to walk away from Aleksei, he would just have to be the one to give you more, to give you better. Aleksei let out a scoff of a laugh as he shook his head, licking his lips in the process while he thought about it, "I can't bully you out of this one, can I?" Aleksei questioned curiously but he already knew the answer to that, Isador made that pretty clear.

Isador speaking russian caught Aleksei off guard, he wasn't expecting that and he loved it. It's been so long since he heard his native language spoken, gosh he missed home, he missed his mom, his sister, that peace and tranquility. How the snow covered the farmland, how the animals danced in it, hot chocolate by the fire with his family. Back in russia he was actually able to sleep, back in russia he was able to walk in public without constantly having to look over his shoulder, back in russia he felt safe and normal. "Till death do us apart. I will love you forever and always and if you want to stick by my side for the rest of our days so be it. We can go back home to russia." Aleksei seemed to ease up completely now, he was playfully annoyed though, it seemed that he will never win an argument like this with Isador, that man is stubborn and feisty when he wants to be. Seriously have to stop underestimating him.

"But I want to do something for the community before we leave, help them get started in building back up." Aleksei added, he already had a entire plan in mind, one that was risky because of how public it would be but it would also be fulfilling in the end. He was so close, he could feel it. He was close to the end of this story, he was close to finally leaving this place for good. He, they...him and Benjamin, or Isador was close to their end.

....Suddenly, something completely random struck him, he looked confused and concerned, "I should ask, what name do you prefer to go by? I'm sure I can learn to call you Isador if you prefer it. In private of course" Aleksei questioned, such a weird trait from him, being able to just suddenly snap into a different focus of topic and emotion, so weirdly him.

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