Chapter Sixty-Two: Missing Man

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Isador didn't give any reaction to his name being said, not one. She had already made it clear that she knew who he was. He could be oblivious, but not that oblivious. Hearing his name though...It almost felt foreign. Isador had always loved his name, his actual legal name. After all it meant 'gift of Isis'... Isis, goddess of magic--she was well known for having the ability to create and destroy worlds. How ironic... *You can't create things but your past says you are very good at destroying.*

Now, the words stung... *I can see why Aleksei keeps you around, you are adorable.* They echoed through his head, causing his heart to feel as if it was on the verge of shattering. His shoulders dropped a bit as he relaxed very little. "I'm not good for much, I know this..." *I'm pretty sure they just wanted to get rid of me... considering Aleksei's ability to sniff Feds out...* Dark thoughts, Isa... He'd always had a sneaking suspicion that him getting this mission was just the Federal Government's way of getting rid of him. He did happen to know a lot, too much, perhaps. He'd been the one logging others mission away in the database once he had graduated and become a federal agent. *You were a desk jockey begging to be turned loose in the field. They never gave you the time of day when you asked... Now why else would they choose you --someone with no real familial ties-- for this mission? With a man who could spot a fed from miles away?* His gaze dropped to the floor. He was hurting himself more than she probably could in this moment.

"Does he know?" For all Isador knew now, was that he really did know he's a Fed. *Maybe he's kept you alive because he--* Isador shook his head slightly, attempting to shake the thought from his mind. He tried to think only of his cat--not the one he bonded with in Russia-- the one he left with his roommate. His attention rocketed back to Aurora, his attempts to stop thinking semi-worked. Now he was only interested in her answer.

Aodhan gave a rather half-hearted laugh. "I'd be curious how in tha hell ya'd have gotten a nuke...." His expression no longer seemed pleased. "Either way, ya got the job done. Here's to hoping the bastard actually died." With that Aodhan pretended he was holding a glass and held it up as if he was cheers-ing. "If any of ya need me, for anything... I will be callin' my boy." He looked over at Eko and Ghost, seemingly thinking of saying something to the two men before slowly turning and heading back toward his office. He definitely seemed un-bothered by everything going on.


Aurora watched this man with a curious gaze, did she feel sympathy? Absolutely not. For all she knew is that this is the man who lied, corrupted, and manipulated Aleksei for over a year now. She didn't care how much Aleksei loved him; he loves a lie. Aleksei meant a lot to her; he saved her from a very very tough situation, and she would not allow him to go down, not like this. Not by this liar. Liar...such a strong word but is it truly fitting? Well, Aurora has made up her mind about that.

His question made Aurora scoff, she looked at Aleksei before back at him, "The question shouldn't be if he knows or not. I think we both know the answer to that. A better question to ask is, 'Does he choose to believe it?' and the answer is no. He doesn't. He is in denial." Aurora said before sliding past Isador so she could take the spot that he was previously sitting on.

"I gave him many files after he requested, three of those files were of people from his own mafia family...two men and a woman but only one man was announced by 'MouseTrap' as a snake in the grass...who was the missing man? You answer that for me." Aurora smiled as her unkept blonde hair covered her dark brown eyes.

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