Chapter Eighty: Panic At The Disaster

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Isador laughed once more, attempting to make the kiss as long as he could, he didn't want those small moments to end, ever. "Sometimes I wonder..." He whispered mainly to himself as Aleksei walk off in the direction of the police officer in charge. Isador felt like following, but at the same time he felt like just observing.

People were bustling off in all directions. Parents began to release their hold on their children, allowing them some freedom to mingle with other children. Even with the devastation all around them, it seemed everyone was trying their damnedest to see the good in this situation. Everyone was coexisting--no fighting was happening. Isador smiled as he watched a group of young men get excited upon the realization of who Ghost was. Obviously it was not a common reaction most people had when they recognized Ghost. His smile remained as he scanned the crowd, spotting Aurora with ease. *Of course, she's handing out pizza.* Isador laughed lightly as he stood still for a moment, watching Aurora interact with each person who approached her little pizza stand. He was glad to see she seemed to be enjoying her little job.

As time past Isador kept to himself, not really feeling like socializing. He was never good at it, and preferred the company of select people. From where he positioned himself he could easily spot Aleksei, and Aurora. If he looked around the crowd long enough he'd spot Ghost and Aodhan, as well. He felt content just watching. Aodhan had found some men that looked to be around his age and seemed engaged in a conversation he enjoyed. Isador couldn't hear any of the words being exchanged, there was way to much going on for that to be a possibility.

The sudden sounds emanating from a microphone caught him off guard, causing him to look around. Isador's breath caught when he recognized the voice that came through so clearly. "Barbara." Her name slipped from his mouth in almost a complete growl. *Why couldn't she have died alongside Jerome?* Isador quickly skirted around the back edge crowd, his heart was racing and his anxiety began to spike. There wasn't a chance he'd get to Aleksei, not without drawing attention to himself. He stopped midway there, his body growing rigid upon the sight of the woman next to Barbara holding a child. But not just any child... "No..." Isador whispered, frozen in place as Aleksei's mother was drug out before the crowd of people. He could just barely see Aleksei, Ghost, adn Aodhan. Not Aurora though. *She's small, too many adults to spot her with ease...* The voice of logical and reason had somehow become the most present in Isador's head. Dropping lower to keep hidden Isador began to move through the crowd, each of Barbara's words nipped at him like a rabid dog. Tensions were high amongst the people too, this was a scene nearly all of them had seen before. Except this time it wasn't in a tent. He could barely make out Aleksei's mother's words as he darted through the crowd. There was no way he could do anything, but he needed to get closer to be sure.

At the sound of the gunshot he flinched and froze. The screams of terror and the sudden rush of panic people were quick to inform him that shit hit the fan. It the midst of the panicked scrambling and screaming Isador heard his name. It only took a moment to realize it was Aurora. Without missing a beat he unfroze and started shoving his way through the panicked crowd in her direction. *Ghost and Aleksei most likely have Barbara hopefully somewhat under control. The police also had to have figured out that Barbara was not a good person.

"Aurora!!" Isador called out in vain, he didn't know if she could even hear him in the middle of the chaos. That didn't fully matter to him, no. He kept his mind locked on the goal, he couldn't let himself mentally wander off, not now... "Aurora!" People were crashing into him, and he was beginning to body check the panicking horde out of his way. *Aleksei may need you... What if...* "No! Aurora!!" He cut off his thoughts by yelling some more, deep down he knew. Barbara was just as sick and twisted as the man she had previously been with. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the stand off happening between Aleksei, Ghost, the police, and Barbara. It was in this moment he caught a glimpse of the body on the ground. *No doubt that's Aleksei's mother.* Isador felt his stomach twist into knots, the urge to find Aurora was dampened by a very familiar feeling in his chest. A type of pain that cut very deep reemerged in Isador. As he seemingly came to a stop a man collided with him, but didn't let him fall to the ground.

"Not the time to stop ya feet from movin' lad!!" Isador immediately recognised Aodhan's voice. That accent was unmistakable. "Aodhan!" He cried out almost happily. "Not now lad! Where's the girl?" Aodhan knew Ghost and his men would most likely be enough for Aleksei, for now at least. What mattered to him was getting the other child to safety. Something in him told him hell may break loose between the two groups in a standoff soon.

"I don't know..." Isador panicked and went to spin around, that was until Aodhan grabbed his shoulders. "Dumbass that isn't goin' ta help!" Aodhan cupped his hands around his mouth. "Aurora! Girl If ya here me, yell back!" Aodhan called above the crowd. Isador listened to the best of his ability, stealing glances in Aleksei's direction. The pain that must be flowing through him... The anger... *Both of which you know very intimately, Isa.* He flicked his attention back to the crowd, hoping to hear Aurora.

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