Chapter Twenty-Three: Fast Cars and Freedom

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Isador slowed down once he heard his phone ding. 'Fabulously, heading out now.'

And with that he gave a push to get the car to and through the gate. His goal was to at least get the car hidden next to Aleksei's truck... after all, he did have the keys to the truck. So far he was in the clear, she wouldn't know the car was stolen until after he was at the very least gone... *Small bonus is she probably wouldn't think Aleksei stole it either...*

"Surprising I didn't forget how to hotwire a car..." Isador laughed at his own remark, and smiled. The gate didn't seem to have closed yet, thankfully, so Isador pressed down on the petal a bit harder. A small burst of speed sent the car zooming through the gate and down the road. His goal was to move fast and tuck this slightly flashy thing away. He quickly and one-handedly texted Aleksei.

'Meet at your truck?' With the text he sent a picture of the trucks hiding place. You couldn't see the truck in the picture, for it was obscured behind some bushes rather nicely, but it would make it easier for Aleksei to know where it was. Plus Isador could slide the car onto the other side of the truck and hide it from view while he awaited Aleksei. Slowing down he pulled the car next to the truck, shifting it into park smoothly. *Boom. Halfway stole a car.*

His phone buzzed then, quickly he looked at who it was excited and hoping it was Aleksei. Looking at the screen he read the contact name... 'Marcos'... *Fiddle sticks! It's your actual boss Isador!*

'Ben.. long time no talk. How are you?' Hurriedly Isador read the text, and quickly typed out a reply.

'Bit busy working, fast cars and freedom, ya know?' He hoped that was enough to warrant Marcos to leave him be. After making sure it sent he deleted the text string. *I don't want to try and explain that...* He rested his head against the head rest and relaxed a bit once more cracking his hands.


Aleksei looked at the messages that he received from Isador. Perfect...perfect! Quickly he left Ramona's home and went to the spot where Isador pointed out, huh, it was actually pretty hard for him to find. After a bit of time, Aleksei finally came through the bushes with a dramatic sigh of relief.

"Found you, finally, finally." Aleksei took some more deep breaths before looking at the car Isador had stolen. "Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are? Because you are amazing." Aleksei was impressed indeed but he was also proud, look at his little newbie, growing up so fast already, it could bring a tear to his eye.

"Did the rush of it feel good?" he then asked, remembering how isador seemed a bit eager to do this, he looked at his own truck and nodded his head , "Unfortunately, cars don't drive themselves so we'll have to do without each other's company for bit. You can take hers, I'll take mines." Aleksei instructed as he got into his own truck.

He started the vehicle up, it took a longer time to start up then usual but at last, eventually it did. He really really needed to replace this truck but until it was down for good, he would be keeping it. He took the back roads, a long stretch of deserted land that led all the way to the mafia's group mansion. Meh, it was boring and eerily quiet but he felt like Isador would be more comfortable with driving a stolen vehicle down a road that isn't too populated. It took them about an hour to reach the place and just as Aleksei parked his truck in the garage, he received a text from a number marked in as unknown.

'Pika' was all the text said and Aleksei raised a has been a long time since he received a text like that.

"Hmm." he didn't feel the need to reply, he knew all too well what this process was, if any more came up, the number would contact him again.

He bit his lip before exiting the truck and he went over to Isador, "Thank you, you cleaned up my mess nicely." he smiled and led him back into the mansion, thankfully; it was still empty. "Thank goodness, we have the place to ourselves for once." he laughed like a giddy little kid as he went over to the remote and he turned on the giant tv on the wall, he put on a kid's cartoon before getting a bag of chips , "Sit Benjamin! Sit!" he called out happily as he patted the seat next to him, where did he get this level of excitement from? The world may never know.

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