Chapter 88

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"So..uh why did you call me out here?" Naruto asked staring at Daichi. He then glared at Sasuke. "And why is he here?!"

"Hn." Sasuke said

"The reason why I asked you two here is about Miyuki."Daichi explained. "Has she been acting differently around you guys lately?"

"Huh?"Naruto said in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You know, has anything different or strange been going on with her latey?"Daichi asked

Naruto stopped to think for a minute."I don't think so, why don't you ask her yourself?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"I did try asking her yesterday."Daichi replied scratching the back of his head. "Okay, so here's what happened..."


It seemed like another normal day, Daichi was walking casually with a bag of vegetables that he got from the market. He took a stroll wandering through the village relaxing a bit. He looked up ahead and saw Miyuki talking to Hinata.

"Do you think he'll like that color?"Miyuki asked

"I-I'm sure H-he'll like a-anything you make f-for him."Hinata said

"I just don't know if he'll actually use it."Miyuki said

"Hey, Ice princess~"Daichi exclaimed rushing over to her side with a friendly smile.

"Oh..hey Daichi..."Miyuki said she turn to Hinata. "So you'll find that thing I asked you?"

"Y-Yes..I could g-get it at t-the end of t-the day."Hinata softly said

"Good, thanks again Hinata. I'll see you later."Miyuki said waving goodbye to Hinata before looking at Daichi.

"What were you girls talking about?"He asked

"Uh..well you know..."Miyuki slowly said "Girl stuff."

"Girl stuff?"Daichi said

" know stuff that girls talk about."Miyuki replied with a small hint of nervousness she was never this good at hiding things from friends. But she didn't want him or anyone know what she was up to.

"Can't you talk about that stuff with me?"Daichi said. He stopped looking at her, he saw her act a little weird and was fully concern.

Daichi raised a confusing eyebrow at Miyuki. He opened his mouth to press her further, until he felt her finger closing his lips.

He felt his cheeks lightly go warm looking at Miyuki pouting cutely at him.

"Daichi, why don't we go to the dango shop together?"Miyuki asked rather cutely.

He knew he couldn't say no to her when she's asking him like that! She knows that he loves going to the shop, especially if it's with her. Miyuki hoped that asking him like that would make him forget whatever he was asking her, she knows that he can be a bit of a scatterbrain so hopefully he won't ask her again.

Daichi was smiling all the way to the store with Miyuki.

End of flashback

"So she just dropped the subject."Daichi said he looked at Naruto and at Sasuke. "So has she been acting different the last few days?"

Naruto thought for a few minutes, before answering.

"Well, now that you mention it...I did see her fall asleep more often around the training areas..."Naruto slowly said.

"Her hands..."Sasuke spoke up. "The last few days I saw a more bandages on her hands."

"Oh yeah! I saw her hands like that too."Naruto said "All covered in bandages and stuff. When I asked her what was up, she invited me for a bowl of ramen."

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