Chapter 70

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"Don't give us that crap!"Miyuki exclaimed

"One wink from a pretty girl and you just turn to a mountain of mush!"Naruto exclaimed "You fell for it like a ton of bricks Pervy Sage!"

"He's right! You acted like one of those cartoon howling wolves wearing those suits on the T.V!"Miyuki exclaimed

"I really wish you wouldn't call me that in front of other people."Jiraya said rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! We've got other things to worry about here!"Miyuki exclaimed

"It's impossible to believe that you are one of the three legendary Sannin."Kisame said "You've manage to release the genjutsu we cast on her eh?"

Jiraya glared at them and placed the unconscious young woman to the ground.

"What kind of coward would do that? Using a Genjutsu on a helpless woman."Jiraya said "All in order to separate Naruto and me."

'Separate? Why?'Miyuki thought looking at them.

"I know he's the one your really after."Jiraya said

"That explains how Kakashi knew."Itachi said "He knew because you told him, you're right Naruto is the prized of the Akatsuki and we will have him."

"Like hell you'll have him!"Miyuki exclaimed

Itachi glanced at Miyuki.

"We'll see about that."Itachi said

"Actually it's very convenient I can eliminate both of you at the same time."Jiraya said

"S...stay out of this..."Sasuke said

He struggled and quickly got to his feet.

"The only one that's going to eliminate him is me!"Sasuke exclaimed glaring at Itachi.

'Sasuke...I've never seen him like this before.'Miyuki thought

"Go away you're no interest at the moment."Itachi said

"Well get interested!"Sasuke shouted running straight to Itachi he raised his other hand about to punch him but Itachi quickly raised his foot and kicked Sasuke sending him a few feet his body slammed at the wall.

"Sasuke no!"Naruto said

"Sasuke!"Miyuki said "Why you?!" She started to do a handsign until she heard Sasuke yelling at her she stop in midsign.

"D...Don't get in my way!"Sasuke said to her. "Mind your own business!"

"But Sasuke she was just trying to help you!"Naruto said

"Just shut up! I've told you that I lived my whole life to this day."Sasuke said getting up.

'Why do I have a bad feeling right now?'Miyuki thought

"This moment...This fight is mine!" Sasuke shouted he activated his sharingan glaring at Itachi.

He immediately ran towards Itachi in full intent to kill him, he raised his hand but Itachi blocked it and punched him in the stomach sending him flying hitting the wall again.

'Sasuke...his hand looks really bad...I don't think he can make one handsign like I can...'Miyuki thought

She only took one step and Sasuke glared at her. "I told you this fight is mine so just stay out of it!" Sasuke yelled at her.

"Don't be so stubborn!!"Miyuki exclaimed

"Don't get in my way!"Sasuke said

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