Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was night time as seven year old miyuki was moving a lot in her sleep.

In miyuki's dream

" get her out of here! I'll hold them off!" A man said " keep our daughter safe!!"

As the woman nod as she held the four year old girl as she ran through the village as it was snowing as there was fire all around the small village. 

A few more flashes of fire everywhere people screaming. As a few ninjas threw the Kunais at the woman.

" ice style: ice shuriken Jutsu!" As the woman unleashed a swarm of ice in the shape of shurikens at the other ninjas as the little girl was tightly holding onto the woman.

" it's okay miyuki mommy's here I won't let anyone hurt you" the woman said  as she had on a snowflake necklace.

End of dream

Suddenly miyuki's eyes were open as she was covered in sweat as she let out a shout. Almost immediately kakashi opened the door.

" what's wrong miyuki?! I heard a shout" Kakashi said as he checked on the seven year old girl.

" I had a nightmare that's all daddy" miyuki said

" what was it about?" Kakashi asked

" there was a man and a woman.....the woman was wearing a pretty snowflake necklace...but there was fire everywhere......" Miyuki said " that's all that I remember "

' Could it be that she's remembering parts her past? Il need to tell the hokage about this' he though as he looked to see that miyuki already fast asleep as he stayed with her until he was sure that she's fully asleep.

The next morning 

As miyuki left for the academy as Kakashi went to see the hokage about miyuki's dreams.

" Hello lord hokage" Kakashi said

" ah hello Kakashi how are you doing?" The third hokage said " I haven't assigned you any missions yet, unless you had other reason for this visit"

" yes it's about miyuki " Kakashi said " last night miyuki had a dream I think she's remembering parts of her past she said that there was a village that was attacked and  her biological parents were there"

" did she say anything else?" He ask

" not much just about her parents protecting her. She also said about the necklace. I think it's the same one that she had on when I found her" kakashi said " I gave it to you to see if there was any clues about her."

" Kakashi what I'm about to tell you. It's important that you won't tell her yet until she's mature enough to understand it. " he said as kakashi slowly nod.

Meanwhile with miyuki

As it was lunch time as miyuki was having lunch with naruto.

" miyuki is something wrong?" Naruto said

" I'm fine Naruto , what makes you think something is wrong?" Miyuki said

" Well you usually start snacking on your sweets right now you barely touched it" Naruto said

Miyuki was surprised that Naruto noticed something was wrong with her usually he's the slowest to catch on these things as she smiled at her blonde friend.

" I just had a dream last night" miyuki said

" what was it about?" Naruto asked

" well it was a man and a woman.....that woman looked really pretty in my dream she said she was my mom" miyuki said " but  it was just a dream Naruto "

" hmm" Naruto said as he glanced at the box of sweets as he tries to grab a pocky miyuki saw this and smacked the back of his head.

" Naruto don't eat my pocky!" Miyuki exclaimed holding the box protectively.

" I can't help it! It's so good!" Naruto exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head as he saw miyuki giving him a pocky as the two kids smiled as they munched on the candy.

Back with kakashi

" You mean that miyuki is from that clan?" Kakashi asked

" it's a possibility that she might be from that clan " the third said " if you see anything from what I told you and if it's true then help miyuki master it"

" you know I will always help her at the best of my abilities after all she's my daughter even if we're not blood related I think of her as my own"Kakashi said ' I'd had a suspicion that miyuki might be from that clan but I never saw her using it. maybe she hasn't unlock her full potential yet' he though

" you can have this back now Kakashi you can give it to miyuki when you think she's ready to have it" the hokage said giving a small box to Kakashi as he took it as he put it in his vest pocket.

As Kakashi left as he walked outside a bit

' if miyuki is really from that Clan then the hardships that she'll have along the way. some will understand her others might be afraid of her Kekkei Genkai. ' he though

" Hey Dad!" Miyuki exclaimed as she ran to Kakashi as she smiled

' I think it might be best that il tell her when she's older about this I want her to enjoy being a kid for a while longer' he though as the two walked home.

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