Chapter 25

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It was the start of a brand new Day as Miyuki got up as she let out a yawn as she looked at her clock she managed to wake up early today if was very rare that she does wake up usually shed overslept and hurry over to her team at the usual meeting place. As she showered and picked out her outfit for today she wore a light blue jumper as she wore a matching skirt underneath cream shorts as she brushed her hair as she looked at her reflection it was only yesterday that she cut her hair.

' I wonder how the boys will react? dad was really surprised that I decided to have my haircut he said he prefers my hair long luckily I had to tell him that having it too long might get in the the end he agreed with me.' Miyuki though as she looked at her hair as she smiled

As she brushed her teeth and had breakfast as she noticed yet again that her dad wasn't home she figured that he went to his usual spot. As she packed her lunch and kakashi's just in case she locked the door of her house.

" Okay Miyuki! Today's the new day for you! " Miyuki said as she raised her fist " yeah! I'm so pumped!"

As she ran to meet with her team at the usual meeting spot. As usual Miyuki was sidetracked at stopping by a certain sweet shop as she walked to the bridge as she saw her team there minus her dad.

" Good morning everyone" Miyuki said

As they saw her as Naruto and sasuke froze when they looked at her. Somehow they're stares made her feel a little nervous as a small amount of Color rose to her cheeks.

" Miyuki it's good to see you!" Sakura said as she smiled at me as the other two boys stared at Miyuki as somehow Miyuki saw a slight color on the two boys cheeks.

" Mi-Miyuki your hair?!" Naruto exclaimed which made Miyuki even more nervous

" Yeah I sorta though that it might be nice for a change so Sakura had her mother cut it for me" Miyuki said as she played with her hands as she felt the boys eyes on her as she glanced as she could've sworn she saw sasuke a little bit of color in his cheeks she figured that he might be getting sick.

" you look great Miyuki!" Naruto said as he Scratched his cheek as there was a little color on them " this new look makes you almost cute!"

" are you saying I'm not cute?" Miyuki said as she felt an angry anime vein popped in her head

" No not like that it's just—" Naruto started as Miyuki smacked the back of his head " Ow!"

" think before you complement a girl!" Miyuki exclaimed " don't just run your mouth like that!"

" Ow!" Naruto rubbed his head " why is it always me that you hit?!"

" it not just you I do that only if it's necessary!" Miyuki exclaimed

" that's like all the time! It's not Cool Miyuki!" Naruto exclaimed

" ah whatever Naruto " Miyuki said as she smiled at him as she glanced at sasuke she wondered if he was okay so she walked to him as he stared at her.

" are you feeling okay? You look like something hit hard in the gut " Miyuki said as she placed her hand underneath his forehead as there was a small hint of color on his cheeks that was slowly darkening. " are you sick? Hmm no fever "

" I'm fine" Sasuke said as he grabbed her hand so that it wouldn't touch his forehead anymore as he looked at Miyuki as she looked at him curiously. As he opened his mouth. " you...look okay"

She figured that he was trying to complement her hair so she smiled at him. " thanks" she said

As sasuke looked away looking at a tree as if it was interesting at the moment " whatever" he muttered.

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