Chapter 22

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As the fight continued on as Miyuki didn't wake up yet from the hit on her head as she was still breathing as it looked like she was asleep.

In her dream

" you can't catch me!" A little boy a few years older than her said

" no fair your just faster than me! I have short legs so you run faster!" The little girl said as she tripped as she started to cry from the scrape on her knee. As the boy saw that as he ran back to her as he gave her a hug as he ruffled her short hair to calm her down.

" it's okay Miyuki it's just a scratch don't cry. " the boy said

" B-But it hurts! It hurts!" Miyuki said as she cried

" Miyuki wanna see something really pretty?" He said as a sniffling Miyuki nod as she wiped her tears. As she saw the boy moving the water in the air as it moved into pretty shapes.

" it's so pretty!" Miyuki said as she put her hand on top of his as if she wanted to try doing that too. " It's beautiful!"

" what are you two doing?" A woman said

" mommy! look! Isn't it beautiful? " the boy said as the two children smiled " maybe I should show auntie too!" The mother grabbed the boys hand.

" stop that! You wicked child!" The woman said as she slapped him as she froze as she broke down into tears " I'm sorry! I'm so sorry my darling!" As the two kids stared at the woman as if what they did was a bad thing. As Miyuki looked she saw another woman walking.

" yukiko" the woman said " they...can do that too"

As the woman name yukiko looked at the two children as she smiled softly.

" maybe we should teach them how to control it" yukiko said

" I will not! You know what would happen!" She said " if you want to die then Be my guess I will not teach him that! We could get killed! I will not disrupt the peace that I have with my husband and child! "

" did you even tell your husband? Because I've told mine when Miyuki was born I told him everything. He didn't act like the others not of fear in fact. He kept it a secret for four years the same age that Miyuki is right now. to me that is proof of real love." Yukiko said " while you didn't tell your husband what if he saw what the kids did right now? what would he'd even say? You don't know because your too afraid. I'm not afraid to speak the truth. I can't hide what I am, and I can't force my daughter to hide who she is its in her blood as well."

" Shut up! Shut up yukiko!" She said as she yelled scaring the two children " Even if you are my sister you have no right interfering in my private matters! Just get out! I don't want to see you!"

As yukiko looked at her sister she could tell that she was afraid even more as she looked at her daughter and her cousin. The deed was already done as she took miyuki's hand.

" alright then but be careful, miyuki say good bye to your auntie and cousin " yukiko said

As the little girl hugged her older cousin goodbye as they left. As miyuki looked at her mother.

" miyuki you're too young to understand these things but I don't want you to hide who you are " yukiko said as she smiled sadly. " remember that I love you and that I would do anything to protect you. "

End of dream

As miyuki's eyes shot open as she held her head in pain as she looked around at her surroundings.

' I remember! I have a cousin! I can't believe that I forgot about him! It's a clue! And the woman's name yukiko...' Miyuki though as a few tears fell from her eyes as she quickly got up. As she ran to see haku on the ground as sasuke was standing with needles all over his body as naruto was getting up.

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