Chapter 43

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" My chakra! You're stealing it from me!" Sasuke said

" Haha, you've finally caught on huh?" Yoroi said

Sasuke struggled trying to get yoroi off of him, then he stopped.

' Sasuke! Come on! Don't let this guy drain your chakra! Fight back!' Miyuki thought ' Please don't do anything stupid!'

Sasuke kicked yoroi's stomach sending him back. Yoroi got up.

" So you've still got some strength left huh?" Yoroi said " Impressive for a Guinea pig."

' Whoa, that was close.' Sasuke thought

" Don't worry little man, I'll make it short and sweet. " Yoroi said focusing his chakra in his hand and ran at Sasuke trying to grab him while Sasuke dodges his attempts. Yoroi was inches away from touching Sasuke's hair, he reacted quickly by dodging but he stumbled a bit.

" Whats the matter? Is that really the best you can do?" Yoroi said

Sasuke went for a round house kick but Yoroi easily dodged it.

' Don't have the speed to keep away from him. I don't have a chance at a close fight. I need to think of something fast!' Sasuke thought

' The great Sasuke Uchiha is that all he's got? Not like that Miyuki Hatake girl. She seemed interesting to watch in that fight...' Gaara thought glancing at Miyuki.

' Sasuke! Come on!' Miyuki thought holding Riku. Riku let out a small sound as if trying to comfort Miyuki at seeing her teammate fight.

" Hey! Sasuke what was that?! And you call yourself an Uchiha?!" Naruto shouted at him

" Don't let him walk all over you!" Miyuki exclaimed " If you lose this fight I won't forgive you!"

Sasuke turn his head slightly looking at Naruto then at Miyuki.

' She's cheering for me?...Ah! That's it!' Sasuke thought

" Don't turn your back on me, when you're little girlfriend is talking to you!" Yoroi exclaimed focusing his chakra in his hand and charging straight at Sasuke.

" I'm not his girlfriend!" Miyuki exclaimed

" Shes not his girlfriend!" Kakashi exclaimed

Yoroi went at Sasuke trying to hit him, Sasuke swiftly dodged each attack until sasuke disapeared for a second. yoroi wondered where he went until sasuke apeared kicking yoroi up in the air. Then sauke was up in the air.

'Thats my move!' Lee thought

' He can do that?!' Miyuki thought she was a little surprised that sasuke could do that.

" Okay, i admit it i kinda borrowed that move,but from here on in. Its all original." sasuke said

"Dancing Leaf shadow?!"Yoroi said

"Now take this!" sasuke said but before he could even strike he groan feeling the pain of the curse mark. 'The pain is getting stronger and stronger!' the mark started to spread in his body just like back in the forest. sasuke then had a flash of memories when miyuki held him begging him
to stop seeing her like that made him feel diferent, then back when naruto and miyuki told him off a while ago. ' Dont write me off yet loser! is this it?' he thought 'No!I wont let this thing take over! No way!'

"The curse mark receded."anko muttered

" Here we go!" sasuke said grabbing yoroi. He quickly moved to kick him in mid air. yoroi blocked his kick.

" You're no match for me!" yoroi exclaimed

"Come back here! im not done yet!"sasuke exclaimed

He aimed again for a surprised attack. at the last second before both hit the ground sasuke did a low kick at yoroi's stomach.

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