Chapter 57

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The next day Miyuki had another harsh training session with Yugao, she felt her body ache all around her from the bamboo training and other types of training she had. After they finished today's session Miyuki went home and started to make the lay out of her outfit she started sketching different designs for her outfit. Papers were scattered on the table with different styles of clothing drawings and colors. She tapped her pencil Against the table looking at the new drawing.

'Okay, I like how the sleeves are, I wanna add something to give it a little bit of my own look.'Miyuki thought 'But what? I'll just leave it alone for now, I've already have an idea for Sasuke's clothing I just need his measurements and ask him about the color he'd like or if he'll like the drawing or if I need to re draw it...I hope I can finish them both before the Exam.'

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone knocking on her door, she wondered who it was, it couldn't be Sasuke it's still too early for him to come over so she got up from the couch and opened the door only to see the pinkette in front of her.

"Hi, Miyuki."Sakura said

"Oh, hey are you doing?"Miyuki asked

"I'm fine, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out, I practically didn't see you in so long since you're training and all."Sakura said "Maybe you want to go to the hot springs to relax?"

"Sure, why not?"Miyuki said

After a few minutes Miyuki and Sakura were on their way to go to the hot springs, Truthfully they didn't know what to talk about so they just talked about any random stuff.

"So, it looks like you're hair grew a bit since the last time I saw you."Sakura said

"Oh, yeah I guess it did, I don't know why but my hair always grows fast so my haircuts don't last long."Miyuki said running her hand through her hair now about a few inches longer than it was before the exams started.

"But you look nice with your hair like that."Sakura said

"Thanks."Miyuki said

The two girls stopped to look at an Accesory store, it had a nice flowery scent and a playful appearance by the colorful wallpaper. She looked at the table that had lots of cute ribbons, hair clips and such. Her eyes wandered at a pair of snowflake hair clips and a blue scarf.

"Those are cute."Sakura said

"Yeah they are."Miyuki said

"Are you going to buy both of them?"Sakura asked

"They're pretty but I don't have enough money for two."Miyuki said "I'll just buy the blue scarf."

"Is it for someone?"Sakura asked curiously

"I thought it'd be nice for Riku. I bet he'd look so cute in it!"Miyuki said

"Now that you mention it, where is your pet?"Sakura asked

"I don't know, I always take him with me when I train with Yugao sensei and he just does the cutest things! Like trying to copy my training! It's just so cute!"Miyuki said "But after that he'd disappear and come back with cuts and scratches everywhere in his little body, I just think he's playing way too much."

After a few minutes of browsing in the shop, Miyuki bought the blue scarf and the two kunoichi's went inside the hot springs to relax. Letting the warm water and steam to cleanse away their fatigue and relax their aching muscles. As soon as the two girls were done with the hot springs, they were looking at a few more shops. Until something caught Miyuki's eye seeing a certain redhead with his siblings.

"Miyuki? What are you staring at?"Sakura asked

"Huh? Oh sorry I sorta thought I saw something."Miyuki said

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