Chapter 54

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Today is the first day of Miyuki's training. So Miyuki got up early and Riku followed her to the training grounds. Once they reached the training grounds Riku climbed up a tree that had some fruit and picked a few to munch on. A few minutes later Yugao appeared with her usual anbu clothes on. Only without the cat mask that she was wearing.

"Morning, Yugao sensei!"Miyuki said giving her a smile.

"Looks like you didn't inherited your father's tardiness."Yugao said "Kakashi told me you know a bit of Kenjutsu, So today Lets work on that. Instead of actual swords we'll use Bokken as you already know a Bokken is a wooden sword safe for practice only."

"Yes,Sensei!"Miyuki said

A few hours into the Training Miyuki manage to learn a few things like how to hold the sword better and a few basic stances so that she won't lose balance into a fight.

"You've got that wrong Miyuki."Yugao said she took Miyuki's hands and showed her the correct way, one hand gripping the Bokken while the other hand was in her back. "You have to have a better grip at it like this. You've got the stance almost right, but you can't lose that grip keep your hand like this and your other hand at the back since your using one hand for this stance or you'll get that hand chopped off."

"Okay, Yugao sensei!"Miyuki said

"You're hips need to be more straight forward, Relax you're shoulders they look too stiff."Yugao said

"Right."Miyuki said

'Still in just a few hours she got a bit of the stances and a few movements's like Kakashi said...'Yugao thought


"Wait, you want me to teach your daughter?"Yugao said

"Yes, Miyuki seems a bit of a natural at wielding the sword But she needs to learn it a bit better." Kakashi said

"I see." Yugao asked

"Miyuki is...Different from most Kunoichi her age. The style that she has isn't Exactly well known by others, I can't copy it." Kakashi said "It's only used with her Kekkei genkai."

"So this style of kenjutsu can only be used by her Kekkei genkai? "Yugao said

"Yes, I know that with your help she'll do better."Kakashi said

End of flashback

'Just what is her style of Kenjutsu?'Yugao thought looking at Miyuki's skill at wielding the sword the way that Yugao did just a while ago.

'I think I'm getting it...'Miyuki thought she glanced to see Riku holding a stick and basically imitating what Miyuki was doing, in which her opinion was cute. She saw Riku hit the tree with the stick a few times and looked back at Miyuki to imitate her training.

"Keep that stance, steady now."Yugao said "Keep both feet firm to the ground."

"Okay, Yugao sensei!"Miyuki said holding her Bokken and Yugao held hers.

Both of them practice After a few hours Miyuki was breathing heavily she had a few scratch marks from her training and she glanced at Yugao. Yugao didn't have any scratches on her and just looked at Miyuki.

'She's gotten at least the first stance right it usually takes a person a few days to learn it.'Yugao thought 'I guess Kakashi is right that she might be a natural at it.'

"I think that's Enough for today Miyuki. Meet me again tomorrow at the same time."Yugao said

"Okay, Yugao sensei!"Miyuki exclaimed

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