Chapter 55

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'I can't freaking believe it!'Miyuki thought angrily walking. 'That guy is a bigger pervert than the last trainer Naruto had! I can't believe it! Didn't he even try to find Naruto a Good trainer!'

After Miyuki rested enough from today's Kenjutsu training she went to find Naruto since she hasn't seen him in a week, she found out that He was being trained by someone that beat up Ebisu. But this guy is the biggest pervert why? Because he's the author of kakashi's favorite book that's why!

Naruto even started calling him Pervy sage in which Miyuki mentally agreed but she had to show some respect for jiraya unless if he does something then she'll just scold him, but that seem silly right? An older man being scolded by a preteen. But at least she knew that her friend wasn't slacking off and was actually training. She even had to remind herself to Check on him everyday after her training and maybe help him.

Miyuki walked around the stores for a bit looking at a few things, she didn't have Riku with her somehow everytime she trains he mysteriously disappears for a long while until the end of the day he'd come back in her room and he just gets lots of scratches on his furry body in which she thought they he was playing too much.

She stopped her tracks to see a fabric store. When she went inside she smelled the faintest scent of lilac and the smell of new fabrics, She saw rolls and rolls of different types of fabrics in different colors and textures and pretty clothes being worn by the mannequins. Miyuki's fingers lightly touched a dark blue fabric that felt velvety and soft.

'I think I should change what I wear...ill need something new...I can sew it myself...maybe something that would really be cute yet fierce...Hmm...'Miyuki thought looking at all of the endless fabrics inside the shop, so why not change her look once in a while she already cut her hair so why not a new customized outfit instead of one you can just buy it from a store. 'But what color? That's the hard part...'

Miyuki was puzzled at trying to figure out which color fabric would be best for her to use for her own outfit. They had so many choices and colors that after an hour she just got stuck and decided to put it on hold until she makes a choice for the color. She left the shop walking aimlessly into the street trying to find something to do.

'Maybe I should get some dango? Or I could grab something to eat before going home.'Miyuki thought

She was deep in thought until she saw a few flowers in front of her face.

"These are for you my beautiful ice princess." A voice said

Miyuki looked up to see the sound ninja boy that she faced a week ago, she quickly took a few steps back, she thought back of his recent flirting actions in their match which creeped her out and wondered why he's here when he should be with his team.

"W...why are you here, Daichi?!"Miyuki exclaimed

"Oh, so you didn't forget about me! I'm so glad that our match was so memorable for you too!"Daichi said giving her a sweet smile.

"More like the weirdest and creepiest match I've ever had!" Miyuki exclaimed

Daichi chuckled in an amused manner as Miyuki wondered what to do now.

"Please accept these flowers, although they don't compare your beauty." Daichi said holding the flowers which was a sunflower and a Gladiolus wrapped in a pretty translucent paper wrapped in a light yellow ribbon.

"No."Miyuki bluntly said

Daichi had a sad puppy like look on his face."Why?" He asked

"Because dad told me not to accept things from weirdos." Miyuki said

"But I'm not!"Daichi said

"Yes you are!"Miyuki exclaimed "You're such a creep!"

"Oh, My ice princess can be cruel at times...but you still captured my heart~" Daichi said

Miyuki felt like getting away from him as fast as she could she started to think of how she'll get away from him.

"I think our meeting here was destiny! Please, Let us go and have some dango!" Daichi said loudly.

He placed his hand on his heart while holding out the other hand with the flowers offering it to Miyuki. A few people looked at Miyuki and Daichi, Miyuki heard a few whispering saying it was cute the way he just asked her out in which made Miyuki blush in embarrassment and she just Ran off leaving Daichi alone. The small crowd looked to see how Daichi would react to what Miyuki did, would he feel angry? Embarrassed? They waited for anticipation for him to react.

"Aw, she's so shy~" He cooed. Daichi didn't feel upset or angry at Miyuki's action, in fact he thought it was cute.

Miyuki ran as fast as she could, she didn't stop she just ran until she felt tired it wasn't until she reached the training ground she put her hand on the tree huffing out of breath.

"I...I think I've lost him..."Miyuki muttered

"Lost who? My ice princess." A voice said

"Kya! You scared me!"Miyuki shouted

Apparently Daichi caught up to her with no problem at all.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."Daichi said He took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. Miyui immediately pulled her hand away from him, blushing in embarrassment.

"I heard a shout! You okay Miyuki?!" A voice said

Miyuki looked up to see her dad and boy she was glad it was him.

"Daddy!"Miyuki exclaimed hugging him tightly."I'm so glad to see you! I missed you!"

'Something must've scared her.'Kakashi thought he lightly patted Miyuki's back And he saw Daichi he had a pleasant smile on his face.

'This was the boy that almost kissed my little girl...'Kakashi thought a dark and eerie aura was around him.

"Oh, hello you must be her father?"Daichi said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Daichi Sui."

"Yes, I'm her father."Kakashi said

"I'll see you later, Miyuki " Daichi said "Maybe next time we can have some dango."

"Sorry, but Miyuki is busy far too busy to go out with anyone right now." Kakashi said in what sounded like a friendly matter but had an eerie feel to it. "She's got training all month, so she can't possibly go out with anyone right now."

"I understand sir."Daichi said not feeling any effect at Kakashi's matter. "Well, you forgot these Miyuki. " He held out the flowers from earlier and put it in both of her hands. "Good bye my ice princess..." He whispered softly

'Is this what Sakura felt? Ah crap! Don't tell me he's a fanboy?! Aw man! This is not how I planned my day!'Miyuki thought

'I will not let any boy near her! She's far too young to date!And if they do then I'll just have to resort to other measures.'Kakashi thought an intimidating aura was around him glaring at Daichi as he walked away not feeling any effect that Kakashi is giving out.

After Daichi left, Kakashi and Miyuki started to walk.

"So how was your training today?"Kakashi asked

"It was good, tomorrow I have to wake up even earlier because Yugao sensei says she has a special training for me to help me on my kenjutsu."Miyuki said "I guess since I improved a bit that's why she said about that new training she's got for me."

"That's good."Kakashi said "Just be careful don't hurt yourself."

"Dad, I'm a ninja! I'm not a little girl anymore!"Miyuki said she pouted.

'But you're my little girl...He thought

"Come on Let's go out to eat today."Kakashi said "You pick the place."

"Yeah! I want some barbecue!" Miyuki exclaimed smiling.

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