Chapter 12

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As they saw Kakashi's body going down as a cloud of smoke appeared as it was a log instead of the jounin's body.

As sasuke realized it as he hurried off going off to find a different place. As Sakura noticed this as she followed him leaving Miyuki and Naruto behind.

' it was another Substitution Jutsu and now he knows where I'm hiding. Gotta move fast!' He though as he jumped from the other branches ' I though he lowered his guard. But he did that on purpose. And I fell for it' he though as he ran through the tree branches

' So that's where he is' kakashi though as he was hidden

' sasuke! Where'd you go?' Sakura though ' don't tell me kakashi sensei found you! No! He can't capture my sasuke! I won't let him!' As she moved quickly as she noticed kakashi as she hid behind a bush. ' Whew, he didn't hear me I'm safe'

" Sakura, behind you" a voice whispered

As she turn to see kakashi in front of her.

As Sakura let out a scream that the whole forest area heard as Miyuki heard it from her hiding place.

' il need to get Naruto out...again' Miyuki though

" A ninja must see through deception" Naruto said in a mocking voice " how am I supposed to do that?"

" it's called studying you should try it sometime " Miyuki said as she was in front of Naruto.

" Miyuki! This time I won't be falling into anymore of his traps!" Naruto exclaimed as he cut himself down as he landed another trap sprung, " Aah! I fell for it again!"

" Oh naruto" Miyuki said as she shook her head" il help you down just stay still I gotta check if he left more traps"

As Miyuki looked around making sure there wasn't another trap as she was sure she cut him down.

" thanks Miyuki!" Naruto exclaimed " I'm gonna go find him!"

" il go check on Sakura I think she screamed that way!" Miyuki said as she disappeared in a flash

As kakashi did a hand sign as a whirl of leaves were around Sakura as her eyes were blurry. At that moment kakashi was gone as Sakura regain her senses.

" Oh my!" Sakura said as she looked around" I think I felt something!" As she touched her hair as she was freaking out a bit.

" S-Sakura" a voice that she instantly recognized as she smiled

" Sasuke!" Sakura exclaimed as her eyes widen as she saw an injured sasuke on his knees.

" S-Sakura! H-Help me! Please H-Help me!" Sasuke said as he groan from the pain

As Sakura screamed and fainted as kakashi was hiding up in a tree.

" think I over did it a bit" kakashi said as he read his book as he turn the page " but she's gotta learn to see through these things"

' hmm? Sounded like Sakura?' Sasuke though ' I know that's not miyuki's voice'

"Shinobi Battle Tactic Number Two: The illusion jutsu. Sakura studied this in class, yet she still couldn't see it coming" kakashi said

''s just simple mind control' sasuke though ' I'm not surprised he caught Sakura in it but...'

" I'm not like Sakura, Naruto or Miyuki " sasuke said

" say that after you get one of these bells my sasuke" kakashi taunted

As the two had a little stare down as everything went quiet. Then sasuke launched his shuriken at kakashi as he dodged it.

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