Chapter 48

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"You're kidding! You're a real glutton for punishment aren't you?"kiba said pointing his finger at Naruto, Naruto just gave a small smirk. "Okay, it's you're funeral, I'm gonna make sure you don't get up again! Let's go Akamaru!"

"Come on Naruto! Show him who's boss!"Miyuki exclaimed

Kiba and Akamaru ran straight to Naruto.

"How many times are you gonna use that move?"Naruto said

"Just once more!"kiba exclaimed the two did the fang over fang Jutsu while Naruto quickly jumped up to dodge the two attacks, they aimed at Naruto but he was quick enough to dodge it.

'Man they're fast! I gotta think of something!'Naruto thought

Kiba threw more smoke grenades at Naruto creating a large cloud of smoke, and they did another fang over fang Jutsu spinning around the smoke trying to hit Naruto.

'It's the same trick as before and it's working just like before, I gotta find a way out or else!'Naruto thought

Kiba and Akamaru stopped the Jutsu and looked at the smoke clearing up, Naruto was still standing and wiping the blood off of his chin.

"Ha! It looks like you've run out of gas kid!"kiba said

"Yeah! Bring it on dog breath! Cause no matter how many clones you make yourself I'll still have enough gas to beat you!"Naruto exclaimed

"Ha! You've always got a snappy comeback! Let's see if you come back from this! Ready Akamaru?" Kiba said Akamaru barked and the two ran swiftly to Naruto, kiba held a few smoke grenades and threw it doing the same trick, the smoke covered the area.

"I gotta find a way to counter attack!"Naruto said

Kiba and Akamaru did the same Jutsu going into the smoke.

'The problem is I don't know which one to attack! Which one is the real Kiba? I can't tell them apart!' Naruto thought and his eyes lit up. 'I've got it! Transform!'

"What's going on? I can't see."Sakura said having a worried look, trying to see what's happening to her teammate.

"I hate this! Come on Naruto! You gotta have something!"Miyuki exclaimed

'Oh, Naruto...'Hinata thought

"Very clever."Kakashi said

"Yeah! You're finally using you're head! Way to go Naruto!"Miyuki exclaimed

"Huh?"Sakura said

"Wait, you'll see."Kakashi said

Then the smoke cleared to see three Kiba's.

"Good one Naruto!"Sakura exclaimed

"It's genius."Hinata said

"He made himself look like kiba,so now kiba doesn't know which one he'll go after."Sakura said

"That means that he's safe, smart move Naruto!"Miyuki exclaimed

"Brilliant idea! "Lee said "whooohoo!" He had fire in his eyes and feeling pump at seeing the fight.

"I see you've gotten better at the transformation Jutsu, but you forgot one little thing."kiba said making a fist. "I admit you look like me and it threw me for a minute but I still know which one is you." Kiba smirked "You can't hide from me! You know why?! " he punched the other kiba.

"I can smell you kid."kiba said sniffing the air. "There's just no past our sense of smell, tough luck."

'By concentrating his chakra on his nose, kiba can make his sense of smell a thousand times more sensitive than average it's easy for him to distinguish people by their scent.' Kurenai thought

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