Chapter 39

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It was the fourth day of the second exam Miyuki, Sasuke , Sakura and Naruto were still inside the forest they stopped at a river deciding that the boys would get the fish while Sakura and Miyuki would get the firewood and other things to build the fire.

'I think this is enough' Miyuki thought holding the pieces of wood.

Miyuki started to walk back to the riverside watching Sakura setting up the rocks.

" I brought the firewood" Miyuki said

" that's good, can you call Sasuke I could use one of his fireballs to light the fire" Sakura said taking the firewood.

" okay" Miyuki said

Miyuki started to walk to see how the boys were doing on her way she heard noises she quickly took out a kunai knife. She heard more noises and ran to see a young raccoon was caught in a homemade trap.

"Aw you're too cute to be trapped like that" Miyuki said cutting the wires of the trap she saw the little raccoon wounded " oh, you're hurt don't worry little one I'm just gonna heal that if you'll let me"

The little raccoon looked at her as Miyuki took out some ointment and bandages tending to the animals wound.

" there you go little guy now you can go home now" Miyuki said getting up and started to walk but she heard sounds Everytime she walked she glanced back to see the raccoon following her. " you can go home now little guy, being with me you could get hurt I'm in the middle of a test I don't want you hurt. So go home now"

The little raccoon said nothing every step Miyuki took the raccoon still followed her.

" listen you don't owe me anything why won't you listen?" Miyuki said looking at the raccoon 'this little is kinda cute I think his species is a torch key raccoon I can tell because its fur is pale like a cream color his paws are so tiny and black and face is cute too like your wearing a light brown mask over your eyes'

" I guess if you wanna come with me I don't mind, but if there's trouble you have to go and hide okay?" Miyuki said the raccoon climbed onto her and soon sat on her head letting out a happy sound. It didn't bother Miyuki that it was on her head it was actually lighter than she thought it would be.

She walked towards where the boys were. Naruto was in the water scaring a few fish jumping up Sasuke hit all four fish.

" well? Come on is that it? I only got four, now go and do it again" Sasuke said

"What?! " Naruto exclaimed

" I could eat four fish myself" Sasuke said Naruto flared his nostrils in frustration

" Well if you think it's so easy why don't you get wet and I'll stand on the shore!" Naruto exclaimed flailing his arms splashing the water.

" Naruto don't fight please" Miyuki said both boys looked. At her they saw something furry on top of her head.

" Miyuki don't move but I think there's a giant rat on your head" Naruto said pointing at miyuki's head.

" it's not a rat's a raccoon. he sorta followed me" Miyuki said

" then let the animal go " Sasuke said

" I did but he kept on following me and well...he's just so cute!" Miyuki said the raccoon made a cute noise at Miyuki

" you're not thinking of keeping that giant rat?" Naruto said getting off of the river pointing his finger at the raccoon his finger was centimeters away from it. " it's kinda weird looking, looks more like a rat to me" an angry anime vein popped into the raccoon's head then he bit Naruto's finger. " Ow! That rat bit me!" Naruto yelled out in pain

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