Chapter 60

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'Today I have to be ready for anything!' Miyuki thought

Miyuki walked towards the large arena, she saw a large crowd of people taking their seats to see the big fight today. She glanced to see the sand siblings, Dosu, Shino, Shikamaru but She didn't see Naruto or Sasuke yet.

'Huh? Where is Naruto? And Sasuke too? Don't tell me he got the same habit as my dad now...'Miyuki thought 'Why do I get the feeling that Naruto is in a sticky situation right now?'

She glanced at the others her eyes slowly stopped at Gaara.

'He looks a bit different today...I can't put my finger on it.'Miyuki wondered'He just has that red hair and those eyes...I gotta admit that he's not bad looking even if he has that lust for blood and killing people but maybe after the Exam I could talk to him to see if what I tell him could help him in some way. I wanna help him...'

Gaara glanced to see Miyuki looking at him they eyes caught eachother and she broke eye contact, she slightly felt embarrased that he caught her staring at him.

'Ah wait! Where's Riku?! Damn it! I didn't realize he wasn't with me when I left! Now that I think about it I haven't seen him all morning! I hope he's okay! I hope he didn't get eaten by anyone bigger than him!' Miyuki thought wondering where her little raccoon friend went.

All of a sudden Naruto comically made a loud shout and was practically thrown sliding through the ground. All eyes was in him.

'He sure knows how to make an entrance...that idiot.'Shikamaru thought

'Naruto...this is embarrassing...'Miyuki thought

Miyuki and Shikamaru carried Naruto, since he was so dizzy that he didn't get up.

"Aw, man what a drag..."Shikamaru said

Naruto got back to his senses and stood in his own two feet.

"Guys, run! You won't believe this but there's a terrifying stampeding bulls coming this way!"Naruto exclaimed

"What? Yeah you're right I don't believe it."Shikamaru said not believing a single word coming from Naruto's mouth.

"Naruto!"Miyuki said smacking the back of his head.

"Ow! What was...huh?"Naruto said

"What's wrong?"Miyuki asked

"Where's Sasuke?"Naruto asked

"I don't know, he's the only one missing here."Miyuki said

"Knock it off, quit your fidgeting you three." Genma said "Stand up straight and present yourselves to the spectators."

Miyuki glanced at the cheering crowd, she felt a bit nervous but at the same time excited.

"You guys are the heroes in this final competition."Genma said "Oh, there's one more thing before we get started." Genma took out a paper unfolding it. "Look it over one last time at who you're fighting."

"Uh, question! I was wondering what'll happen to Sasuke I mean if he doesn't show up?"Naruto asked

"If a candidate is not here before his match is called he forfeits the match."Genma said

'You better be here for your match If you don't I'll kick your ass Sasuke!'Miyuki thought

"All right now for this match, the terrain is different but the rules are the same as before but they are no rules the match continues until one candidate acknowledges defeat or dies."Genma explained "That being said I determined if the match is over I can step in and stop it at any time. And no arguments permitted understood?"

Miyuki nod slightly.

"Now for the first match Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuuga, those two stay the rest of you go to the resting area."Genma said

"Naruto...Good luck."Miyuki whispered

Naruto gave her a reassuring nod.

Miyuki and the other ninja started walking to take the stairs to watch the first match. Once they were up there the match started. Neji did a few handsigns and activated his Byakugan and took a stance. Naruto stared at Neji after a minute Naruto threw a few kunais in which Neji deflected them easily, Naruto ran straight at him for a frontal assault but failed when Neji was about hit Naruto stopping a chakra point in his shoulder. Seeing that Naruto quickly retreated getting some distance from his opponent.

"Naruto! Use your head! You can do it!"Miyuki exclaimed

"You really think he can win?"Shikamaru asked

"He might, if he uses his head."Miyuki said

Naruto smirked and did his shadow clone Jutsu, the clones went after Neji in every attack that the clones did, Neji dodge it flawlessly and eliminated the clones only leaving the real Naruto.

"Man that Neji is something else."Shikamaru said "Everything that Naruto does is not even getting close to him."

"So what? Naruto has gotta have something up his sleeve."Miyuki said

Naruto did another shadow clone Jutsu only this time summoning a dozen clones going after Neji. The young Hyuuga dodge every one of the clones attacks without a scratch on him. He used his Byakugan and ran straight to Naruto.

"Naruto!"Miyuki exclaimed

"It's over for him."Shikamaru said

"You're no help!"Miyuki said she turn to continue watching the fight. Apparently Neji hit was a clone to distract him and the real one was in the air with another clone ready to strike Neji but Neji did the eight trigrams rotation sending Naruto flying and landed in the ground. Neji did a stance and did the eight trigrams sixty four palms rending Naruto unable to generate chakra blocking his chakra network.

"I thought he could win for a second. This is such a drag..."Shikamaru said

"Shikamaru don't make me freeze you right where you stand! So just watch the fight!"Miyuki exclaimed

"You're just too noisy now...what a drag."Shikamaru said

'Naruto...come on! You gotta do something!'Miyuki thought

Naruto slowly got up, leaving Neji slightly stunned that he got up despite the fact that he hit all of his chakra points. Neji started telling a bit more about his clan about the main branches and the side branch, him and the members of the side branch having the cursed mark seal and the death of his father to protect the main branch and the secrets. After he was done he went at Naruto hitting him in the chest sending Naruto flying and his body hit the ground, Neji turn to walk away saying that the fight is over until Naruto got up And he tapped into the nine tail fox to borrow some chakra. Everyone was amazed that Naruto was gathering chakra. After he gathered chakra Naruto disappeared and reappeared in the air throwing shurikens at Neji but Neji used rotation to deflect the attack and he threw shurikens at Naruto but the young blond dodges it swiftly and both ninja took out their Kunai knives and clashed their weapons against each others Neji used his rotation while Naruto still used the red chakra creating an explosion by both powerful chakras. A giant blast of smoke blinded the arena.

'Since when did Naruto get that much chakra? Could that be the fox?'Miyuki thought

Once the smoke cleared up to see two giant hole in the ground, Miyuki wondered which one Naruto was in. A hand extended up and it was Neji getting up and breathing heavily he slowly walked over to see Naruto's unconscious body in the other giant hole. But it was a distraction the ground cracked and the real Naruto surprised Neji punching him in the jaw with incredible force. In the end Naruto is the winner of the first match.

"Yeah! That's the way Naruto! You've got one hell of a left hook!"Miyuki exclaimed she heard the crowd cheering at Naruto's victory.

"He won! He actually won!"Shikamaru said not believing it.

"Hell yeah! That's my friend down there!"Miyuki exclaimed

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