Chapter 13

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The next morning

" sasuke I'm at point B" he said

"Sakura I'm at point C" Sakura said

" Miyuki I'm at point D" she said through the headset

"Naruto I'm at point A believe it!" Naruto said

" you're slow Naruto" Kakashi said " Target has moved! Follow it!"

As the genin hid as they saw the shadow move.

" what's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked

" five meters I'm ready just give the signal" Naruto said

" I'm ready " Miyuki said

" I'm ready too" sasuke said

"So am I" Sakura said

" okay...Now!" Kakashi said through his headset as the group ran at full speed as Naruto grabbed hold of a cat.

" I got him!" Naruto said as he struggled at holding the cat.

" we got a positive I.d. On the target" Miyuki said as she looked at the cat scratching naruto's face as she slightly giggled at naruto's antics.

" right lost pet tora captured " Kakashi said "Mission accomplished "

" CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THAN THIS?" Naruto shouted through his headset " I HATE CATS!"

As the group went back to the academy to fill out the report on their mission as the owner of the car was hugging the cat too much.

" oh my little tora! Mommy was so worried about you!" As the woman was smothering the cat too much.

" ahahah stupid cat, that kitty deserves to be squashed " Naruto said as he smirked

" I feel bad for the cat...I guess it wanted a little freedom" Miyuki said

" no wonder he ran away" Sakura said

" now then for squad seven's next mission we have several available tasks" the third hokage said " one is babysitting the chief councilor three year old, helping his wife do the shopping, digging up potatoes "

" No! I want a real mission something challenging not doing this little kid stuff!" Naruto said

' I know how you feel Naruto ' Miyuki though as she munched on her pocky ' but as long as they don't take this away from me it's all good'

' he's got a point' sasuke though

' he's such a pain' Sakura though

' I knew this was coming' Kakashi though as he sigh

" how dare you you're just a brand new genin with no experience. Like everyone else you start with simple missions to develop your skills and prove yourself" iruka said

" are you serious? Babysitting is not a mission is as stupid!" Naruto argued as he felt two fist hitting his head.

" Will you put a lid on it?" Kakashi said

" Naruto your being too loud" Miyuki said " use your inside voice" ' if you have an inside voice' she though

"Naruto " the hokage said "it seems you don't understand the task you have been given, listen many different kinds of requests come into our village everyday from babysitting to assassinations, these request are carefully recorded analyzed then ranked A,B,C or D. Depending on their difficulty. We ninja are ranked by ability. hokage at the top then jounin , chunin and Genin at the bottom. At the highest level we select the missions and assign them to ninja with the appropriate skill and experience and if the mission is successful we receive a fee that supports our village and our work. Since you are untried Genin just starting down the shinobi path, you are given D level assignments of course, hmmm?" As he looked at the small group

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