Chapter 84

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A week passed since the mystery behind Kakashi's mask and the accidental kiss between Sasuke and Miyuki. Lately Miyuki was having mixed feelings about it frankly she didn't know what to do. Was he feeling the same like her? She thought he might be But no instead he just had that same old emotionless look he always had. Not once did he talk to Miyuki about the kiss instead just went on like it never happened it made Miyuki mad that she took out her frustration on the training dummy.

"Damn him!"Miyuki yelled out in frustration taking her anger out on the wooden dummy. "He's such a jerk! "

'He...he...why him?'Miyuki thought looking at the ground. 'I'm so let him kiss me like that...'

'I faintly remember about what my mom told me about love or even feelings for a boy...' Miyuki thought.

'Miyuki one day you might fall in love with a special boy too.'


'That's right. Mommy fell in love with daddy and married him.'

'Wow! Love sounds great!'

'It really is. And one day, you'll find someone that you'll fall in love with although sometimes it can be complicated if your true to yourself and your heart then he would feel the same. It takes time and a lot of patience, sometimes you might be heart broken in the process or you'll break a few hearts on the way until you find that special boy that you fall in love.'

''s something you FALL in?'

'That's right, you fall in love.'

'Like a hole in the ground, or something?'

'Haha! Oh, my little snowflake. You may not understand it now, but you will someday.'

"Why am I thinking about that now?"Miyuki said ' I like Sasuke? No...that can't way.' She shook her head.

After taking her anger out by the training dummy. Miyuki stopped by the Dango shop to have some tea.

"I love Dango!" Miyuki giggled holding a skewer of green,white and pink sweets.

"Your smile is so cute~"A voice said

"Daichi."Miyuki said eating the dumplings.

"Your coming with me."Daichi said while Miyuki held the dumplings."After your done with that."

A few minutes later...

"Tell me again why am I on this mission with you?"Miyuki said both gennin had their backpacks in front of the village gates.

"Well...Lady Tsunade said that with the recent events we're short handed so she picked us to go on this mission."Daichi explained "But it's a very simple mission to collect medicinal herbs for the hospital in the village."

"It sounds simple, so it's only the two of us?"Miyuki asked

"Yep, nothing like a romantic getaway right?"Daichi teased making Miyuki a bit flustered.

"It's just a mission, nothing more."Miyuki said walking ahead.

'Hmm...I think I'm forgetting something important...but what?'Daichi thought raising his hand on his chin trying to think. 'I know Lady tsunade mentioned something...'

"Hey! Daichi if you don't hurry up I'm leaving you behind!"Miyuki said loudly.

Meanwhile at the Hokage tower...

Tsunade read over the reports of the mission.

"A very simple mission I just hope that Daichi kid remembers to tell Miyuki about the wild tigers that lives near the gathering point of the herbs, I would've asked someone else but those two were available at the moment."Tsunade muttered

'Although sometimes Daichi is a bit of a scatterbrain, but he's a nice kid.'Tsunade thought 'I've even told him that someone is to meet them at the next rest stop to help them since supplies are low he would get some too for his village.'

Back with Miyuki and Daichi

"Lady tsunade said that we can find the herbs if we go to this path up ahead there's a rest stop so we can go relax there then in the morning we gather the herbs." Daichi said

"Sounds simple."Miyuki said while petting Riku.

"Um...why did you bring that raccoon?"Daichi pointed at Riku.

"I couldn't leave him alone, he's my little helper."Miyuki cooed as Riku nodded and gave a happy chatter."Riku don't bite anyone unless I tell you."

"He bites people?"Daichi said

"Well he bit Naruto and Pushed Sasuke to a river. But he likes Sakura,Hinata and the other girls he gets grumpy around boys for some reason."Miyuki said thinking loudly.

'So he gets jealous around boys...' Daichi thought sweatdropping a bit. 'I'll have to be careful around that raccoon..'

'A change in scenery is nice, I can get my mind off of that jerk.'Miyuki thought 'If he doesn't care about it then why should I care too.'

Meanwhile at the village...

All Sasuke could say was that the kiss did affected him, he didn't know why it felt sorta nice yet at the same time he felt this annoying sensation after that. He felt a bit calm, happy maybe he wondered if he could kiss her again. He shook his head as if trying to rid of that thought and glared at the ground.

'I already told her that it never happened between us...but...'Sasuke thought. That look on Miyuki's face was a different story when that incident happened. She didn't act like she was over the moon or anything, that single look of such innocence made him feel so...protective of her.

He snapped out of his thoughts, that kiss was a mistake a complete accident nothing more he repeated those words in his head and went back home.

Back with Miyuki and Daichi

'Why do I feel like I forgot something?'Daichi thought 'I've got this nagging feeling in my head...'

Miyuki kept on walking the sun was setting as they made their way to the rest stop.

"We can rest here then continue in the morning."Daichi said

"Sounds like a plan."Miyuki said

"Sorry to keep you waiting." A voice said

Miyuki froze, the voice was very familiar she didn't want to turn around. Daichi on the other hand looked at the person.

"Oh, now I remember!"Daichi said snapping his fingers. "Lady Tsunade told me that he was coming with us to pick some herbs for his village too, Gaara right?"

Miyuki turn to see the red headed sand ninja with his siblings.

"I saw you in the preliminary Exams." Kankuro said

"Um...why are you guys here?"Miyuki spoke up looking at the sand siblings.

"The same as you are, we're looking for healing herbs to take back to our village."Temari said 'This is the girl that was with Gaara.' She thought

Gaara was a bit surprised seeing Miyuki, he still felt horrible that he almost killed her back at the invasion. He knew that one of these days they would see each other again but didn't think it'd be this soon. Miyuki could barely look at him still feeling terrible for what had happened years ago. By accident their eyes met he felt the warm feeling in his chest. Miyuki quickly glanced away breaking eye contact.

'Miyuki...just how can I...I ask you to forgive me?'He thought glancing away, Temari and Kankuro glanced at their younger brothers behaviour. Daichi glanced at Miyuki wondering what was up with her.

The group went inside the hotel to rest for the night.

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