Chapter 24

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A few days passed since they got back from the land of waves. The village was peaceful like any other day the sun was shining brightly.

As Miyuki opened her eyes as she turn to look at the clock as she saw the time but she didn't care. Lately she didn't feel like doing anything since they came back from the land of waves she felt a bit empty since she lost the only living blood relative she had the only one that really knew he's gone.

As Miyuki pulled covers as she stayed in bed. Closing her eyes a bit. But it didn't last long when she heard a knock on her door.

" Miyuki, it's me I brought you your favorite breakfast" kakashi said over the door as he didn't hear a reply. ' she's been like this for days..she doesn't eat much...she hasn't said a single word.I'm worried...there's gotta be something I can do to help her but what?' He though " Miyuki I'm coming in you need to eat something"

As he opened the door as he saw Miyuki in bed with her hair long as she was brushing it as she looked at him as he saw sadness in her eyes. As he put her breakfast in front of her.

" I'm not leaving until you eat all of it. look I made it for you " kakashi said " rice omelette with bacon and a glass of orange juice "

As Miyuki looked at him then at the tray as she ate her breakfast in silence.

" So Miyuki when your done get dressed, you can come to the meeting place whenever you feel like it okay there's no rush if we're not there then we're probably at the academy picking out our mission" kakashi said " or do you want to stay home?"

As Miyuki finished eating her breakfast she pulled the cover as she lied down.

" okay then...staying in bed again" kakashi said " I'll be back to check on you at lunch time"

As kakashi closed the door as he looked at the tray. ' at least she ate all of it, usually she would only eat a little but she ate all of it. It's a start.' He though

Meanwhile with Naruto and the others

As Naruto,sasuke and Sakura were waiting for their sensei and their other fourth member to be here also.

" where's kakashi sensei and miyuki?" Sakura said " they're both late!"

" yeah, but Miyuki might not come today again" Naruto said

As the other two had a sad look on their faces.

" it must be hard for her that you just recovered your memories about your relative finally being together after so many years to see him..." Sakura said as she stopped thinking sadly of that day.

' I don't want her feeling like that...maybe I should visit her...' Sasuke though as he had a slight warm feeling thinking of her.

' Miyuki...Oh I know I'll surprise her with her favorite treats!' Naruto though

' it's hard for her now I think it's still early to come over to her house besides I think kakashi sensei will know what to do. Maybe I can invite Miyuki somewhere she did say she wanted a haircut my mom is good with a pair of scissors ' Sakura though

" hello everyone " kakashi said

" you're late!" Naruto and Sakura exclaimed

" where is Miyuki?" Sasuke asked

" she's not coming today " kakashi said " but I'll be checking up on her later"

' Miyuki...' They though

Meanwhile with Miyuki

As she got up from her bed as she looked in the mirror she wasn't herself she felt sad, she felt that the pain that she has right now might never go away. As she cried using her sleeve to wipe away her tears.

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