Chapter 36

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' it's been more than hour I should wake Sakura up...' Miyuki thought she looked at her team sleeping. ' I just hope that we can get through the day until you two wake up...for now I'll have to protect you protect all of you'

" Miyu..." Sasuke whispered

' he's still dreaming? Just what kind of dream is it? Wait I don't wanna know!' Miyuki though as she was slightly blushing she then placed her hand on his forehead. ' he still have that fever...' She then took the cloth from his forehead replacing it with a fresh one.

" Miyuki..." Sasuke whispered

' Sasuke in any other situation id be either flattered or creep out. But how's isn't the time...' Miyuki though she leaned closer to Sasuke. ' wow...when he's conscious he doesn't talk, when he's asleep he's mr,chatterbox ...' She though ' but im curios...I wonder what he's talking about in his sleep.'

" Miyuki...please..." Sasuke whispered

" please what Sasuke?" Miyuki whispered in his ear.

"" Sasuke whispered

Then Sakura woke up with a fright she looked around and everything was okay, Miyuki jumped slightly and looked at Sakura.

" it's okay now Sakura it's just a bad dream okay" Miyuki said " it's your turn to guard il take a short nap"

" okay" Sakura said " um Miyuki..."

" what? " she asked

" thanks you know for keeping me calm" Sakura said

" it's no problem we're a team so it's natural to help each other out" Miyuki said " well nap time! Wake me up if somethings up"

" right" Sakura said

Miyuki then went to the ground and closed her eyes.

' Miyuki...she knows how to stay calm unlike me...but as long as we're together we can protect them' Sakura though. After a few minutes Sakura heard a sound she took out her kunai and turn to the sound of the bushes only to see a cute little squirrel.

' a squirrel? I almost woke Miyuki up for that?' Sakura though ' you surprised me little guy' the squirrel was moving straight forward to the group then Sakura threw her knife scaring the squirrel running of to a different direction. ' that was too close'

Behind the bushes

" I though for sure that would work. You think she saw the paper bomb on the squirrel?" Zaku asked

" no that wasn't it" Dosu said

" then what was it? What are you thinking?" Zaku said he looked around " hey where's the other guy? Isn't he supposed to be here?"

" you know how he is. He says that the three of us are enough to face him. He's probably wandering around the place as usual" Kin said " I don't know why he was assign to us anyway"

" Just let him be. We need to get closer to keep going" Dosu said

After a few minutes Sakura was trying to keep her eyes open.

" Some look out you are, you're already half asleep" Dosu said

" Miyuki wake up!" Sakura exclaimed Miyuki eyes shot wide open

" what?!" Miyuki exclaimed getting up she saw three sound ninjas

" you two don't have to keep watch anymore, what's the point if we already found you? Now wake Sasuke up we wanna fight him" Dosu said

" like we would listen to you" Miyuki said

' you'll never get him you jerks!' Sakura though putting her hand on her weapon holder.

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