Prologue - I won't hurt you.

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3rd Person's POV
It was a dark night. Black clouds covered the sky, not a star to be seen. The trees shook their branches as the cold wind blew. Not a sound could be heard, except for the rustling of dried leaves. Suddenly, the sound of twigs breaking pierced through the silent night. A baby fox with snow-white fur and sky-blue eyes was frantically running through the forest. Unlike normal foxes, this one has a crystal tail. And it wasn't even the strangest part about it. Most foxes only have a single tail, but this tiny cub has nine.

It was a kumiho, a demon renowned for its slyness and cruelty

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It was a kumiho, a demon renowned for its slyness and cruelty. Its infamy was widespread, known to seduce and feed on life essence, especially that of young men. Because of this, many humans fear the kumihos and avoid them like the plague. However, this was a stark contrast to the current situation where the baby nine-tailed fox was fleeing from a group of humans carrying pitch-black blades. They were hunters, ruthless scourges who specifically kill monsters for their body parts. They were carrying weapons made of darksteel, a material deadly to demons. One slash was enough to spell doom for any creature that wasn't a two-legged human. As the baby kumiho scrambled away, its lame paw left a trail of blood. The fox was quickly running out of steam and since it's only an adolescent, it couldn't possibly outrun a group of grown men for long. A sharp corner later and the fox dived straight into a small crevice beneath a giant boulder. The burrow was carefully hidden by nearby ferns and leaves, serving as a temporary makeshift refuge for the desperate creature.

After turning around the massive tree, one of the hunters, who looked like the leader of the bunch, grunted, "Where is it?!"

Another one of his companions leaned on a tree, panting profusely, "Shit! I... Haaa... didn't expect... Haaa... that baby... Haaa... to run so fast."

The leader sneered, "Shut up! All of you better find that kumiho! Those monsters fetch a fortune, especially its tails. If all of you can't find it by sunrise, I will have your heads!"

With that threat laid down, the rest quickly dispersed in search for their prized trophy. Once the last of their hateful presence left, the little kumiho finally let out a breath. It looked down at its injured paw in dismay. A single moment of carelessness was all it took to accidentally step onto a foothold trap made of darksteel. Luckily, it's able to spew flames and melt the thing to sludge, allowing for a timely escape. The fox gingerly licked its festering wounds, flinching from the painful sting. It whimpered pitifully, feeling utterly sorry for itself. Suddenly, a soft rustle caught its attention. Ears perked up as the baby kumiho immediately raised its head in full alert. The surrounding ferns were slowly pushed aside, letting in bright moonlight. A dark shadow cast over the frightened baby. Because of the moonlight shining behind the intruder's back, his facial features were enshrouded in darkness. All the more terrifying. The baby fox growled as its ears flattened back, all nine tails bristled. It was trying to make itself look bigger to scare the intruder away.

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