Chapter 53 - That bitch will kill Senior Ahri!

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Keira's POV
After breakfast, all of us walked towards a colosseum-esque building.

Along the way, I pulled out the demonic mask and asked Senior, "Since it's battle day, I can wear this, right?"

She chuckled, "Sure~ But after that, it's coming straight off, okay?"

"Of course, ma'am," I replied while putting on the mask.

It's been far too long since I last wore one. I missed it so much. The moment the mask was on my face, it instantly enveloped me in a familiar safety net, protecting me from this judgmental world.

While enjoying the comforting presence of the mask, I heard Senior Ahri say, "Take this too."

I opened my palm and received the protection badge from her.

She squeezed my hand and looked me dead serious in the eye, "This time, make sure to use it properly. If I catch you doing dangerous stuff again, I will deal with you afterwards."

... But I'm doing it for your sake though???

I felt kinda wronged but I sure as heck won't argue with this Princess. Not when her commanding tone eliminates all other possible responses except for 'Yes, ma'am.' Besides, this Princess's 'punishment' was definitely much more lethal than being crushed by some stupid golem.

"Yes, ma'am."

Though to be fair, I am about to do something kinda dangerous today... But it's okay. I just have to do it quickly, then there wouldn't be any danger. So technically, she can't punish me since I'm not doing anything wrong.

By the time we arrived in the arena, the place was already jam-packed like sardines. I was looking around, trying to find Akali and her friends. This time, the plot event would be that of a typical Prince Charming, aka the heroine, saving the princess, aka Akali, from a group of hooligans that were insistent on being 'overly-friendly' after being brutally rejected by said princess. Not only was this trope cliché and overused, it didn't even make any sense when applied to that damsel. Who the heck thinks that a selfish bitch would make a good saviour??? And to make matters worse, just because that stupid God wanted to highlight the heroine's 'kindness', he purposely made a strong and independent woman into nothing but a damsel in distress. That's so out of character! In reality, there was no way a prideful person like Akali would ever want anyone to help her like this. It would have been as good as spitting in her face. She would have chosen to end her life rather than get humiliated like this. But unfortunately for her, I would be the one doing the humiliating part of the job. I can't have such a good backer die just because of some worthless pride. I just have to soften the blow, don't make the fact that I save her too obvious. And definitely don't rub it in her face. That's a sure-fire way of getting myself killed by an angsty ninja girl.

Before I could think of my next plan of action, Cain suggested, "After all these boring games, let's go out to eat. There's a couple of good restaurants around here. I will bring you there."

Senior immediately cut into the conversation, "No. I will be bringing Keira out to eat."

Great. Here we go again.

Little kid Cain argued, "No. I invited her first. So I get to bring her out."

"But she's my servant. So of course she will be following me," baby fox retorted.

Meanwhile, nanny me was just standing in between these 2 children, feeling a sense of déjà vu. Where have I heard this conversation before... Oh right, it was just yesterday! At this point, I just tuned out from their incessant arguing.

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