Chapter 22 - I don't want to lose Cain!

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Keira's POV
I was running across the open field, trying to find the 3rd male lead. Along the way, I used Darkhorn Trident to quickly kill a couple of B and C-grade monsters. I need to hurry and find the 3rd male lead. In the original plot, during this assessment, the 3rd male lead would be betrayed by his lieutenant, Amon. That Lieutenant has always been unsatisfied with his position. He didn't want to be a subordinate. He wanted to be the General. But because of the 3rd male lead's great accomplishments during the war, he was outshone and no one remembered his contributions. That's why he chose this moment to kill the 3rd male lead in order to get his General position. This was when the heroine would stupidly rush in and attempt to save him. Of course, she was defeated within seconds. Just when she was about to die in the hands of the Lieutenant, the 3rd male lead would somehow MAGICALLY level up and his strength would evolve. This allowed him to finally kill his lieutenant. Yeah... That's how cringe this novel was... To add on more stupidity to this plot, because of her 'bravery', the male lead would be moved to tears and fall deeply in love with her, leading to the whole 'she's my everything' trope.

I can't have that happen. Otherwise, the 3rd male lead would definitely turn against me for the heroine. I'm not a match against him so I need him to remain on my side. Even if he doesn't remain on my side, he can't be on her side either. I have to intercept and prevent this event from occurring. I just need to find him in time and prevent him from meeting with his lieutenant. Then this whole event plot would be thwarted. But there's an issue here...

Where the hell is he???

I have been running non-stop for 10 mins, trying to find him, but he was nowhere in sight. By now, my poor stamina had already started to show and I was panting heavily. Sweat was dripping down my forehead. I could feel the burning sensation in my legs and lungs.

I really need to train my body after this...

Suddenly, I noticed a giant-ass golem in the distance. It was a S-grade stone golem! Even though its movements are slow and it can't use magic, don't let that fool you into thinking it's weak. It's not. Due to its stone body, it has much higher defence as compared to other S-grade monsters. Most weapons would either break upon contact with its body or they would not even leave a scratch on it. That's not even the worst part. Not only is its defence extremely high, it's also very difficult to kill. To kill a monster, you must either inflict a fatal wound to it like what I did to the E-grade wolf monster, or you would need to break the core in its body. Since the golem has such high defence, it's practically unfeasible to inflict a fatal wound on it so you would need to break its core. That's where the hard part is. Unlike other monsters, its core is always moving around in its entire body. Once it sensed danger, it would shift and move to other parts of the body. So it's basically impossible to locate and break it. If the core remains intact, the golem will only continue to regenerate. That's why if possible, most people would choose to avoid this S-grade monster. I saw a group of students gathering nearby, seemingly watching the golem.

What are these numbskulls doing???

I overheard their murmurs and whispers.

"Hey, isn't that Senior Cain there?"

"Why isn't he running?"

"He seems to be hurt."

I whipped my head to the golem and noticed a giant white wolf lying down in a pool of crimson-red blood. It's the 3rd male lead!

Why's he there???

I didn't understand what's going on. In the novel, it didn't say that the male lead's life was threatened by a S-grade golem. He was supposed to be targeted by his lieutenant, not a golem. So what is this stone creature doing here??? It isn't supposed to be there. His lieutenant was nowhere in sight too. Only the 3rd male lead was lying there motionless. Reality slowly dawned on me. My actions must have changed the plot. The deviation of my character must have caused a butterfly effect on the rest of the novel. That's why everything changed. I couldn't blindly trust my knowledge of the original novel now. There's no guarantee that the plot would remain the same.

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