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Lily's POV
Why won't they believe me??? That's not Keira! That's obviously not her! Keira doesn't look like this! She's someone else! Someone posing as her! No wonder she has been acting so strange ever since winter break ended. Because this woman wasn't her from the start! Keira has always revolved her entire being around me. Which she should! That's her duty as a cannon fodder! To make me, the heroine, shine the brightest! It's her sole purpose! But this bitch. This damn imposter was getting in my way! She's trying to brainwash everyone! She's turning them against me!

She's the reason why everything was falling apart. She's the reason why Akali and her friends weren't helping me. She's the reason why Asher no longer loved me! This isn't right! None of these were supposed to even happen! Akali and her friends were supposed to support me to defeat that evil witch. They're supposed to dedicate their lives to me! And yet, they were now hovering around that dirty commoner. Dumb Akali even confessed to her!!! She's bewitched! All of them were! What's so pretty about that slut?! She's just average at best! There's nothing noteworthy about her! She wasn't rich. She wasn't noble. Only a few days ago, she was still an ugly disabled trash! She only got lucky! The Etherion must not have been dangerous in the first place! That's why that weakling could survive! She's nothing special!

But what ticked me off the most was that this stranger has been seemingly out to get me ever since she saw me. I don't even know her. So why the hell was she targeting me?! Why was she helping that villainess and not me?! I don't know what I did to offend her, but at this point, this wasn't even the biggest issue anymore. Ever since she pulled that fox out of my trap, everything was rapidly deviating from their preplanned trajectory. It was as if everyone had lost their minds! They were all wrapped around the evil villainess's fingers, barking like lapdogs! NO! They're supposed to be mine! I'm supposed to be the protagonist of this story! NOT HER! It's God's will! He told me. He gave me those dreams. And these peasants dare to oppose the almighty one??? Dare to oppose me???

It wasn't even my fault! I only did all that because that cannon fodder and villainess refused to bow down to me! They refused to roll to a corner and die! They wanted to steal my spotlight! THEY WANTED TO RUIN MY HAPPY ENDING! Besides, what's the matter with getting rid of them??? They're nothing but side characters. I'm the main one. The precious baby of even God himself! So how dare they fault me! I should have known none of these backstabbing snakes would stay loyal forever! They would always move to greener pastures. Just like that stupid Akali. Just like Asher! When I'm in my limelight, they hover around me like flies. But the moment I fell, they instantly turned their backs on me! They're all the same!

But worst of all was the Crown Prince's betrayal. The man who was supposed to be MY fiancé. I still remembered, back when I caught his eye on the first day of school, he had fallen head over heels in love with me. He would do anything to capture my heart. He brought me out to high-class restaurants. Bought me expensive designer handbags and custom-made dresses. Gave me everything I wanted. He cherished me. Just like how he's supposed to in the dream. But reality was so different from the prophecy. In real life, this bastard was an unfaithful dog. One moment he's professing his undying love to me, the next he was inviting the villainess out for lunch! He's a disgusting two-faced scum! And he had the nerve to be angry at me?! If he hadn't looked in that slut's direction. If he hadn't given me so much insecurity, I wouldn't have done any of this! Everyone would not have turned against me! It's all his fault! And he still had the audacity to shout at me???!!! If it weren't for him, none of this would have happened!

But I wasn't that small-minded. I won't hold it against him forever. After all, he was just temporarily misled by that fox! With enough time, he would be able to properly think things through. He would be able to see past her fake persona. See her for the evil witch she was. And I'm willing to give him time. As long as he comes back and apologises, I'm willing to forgive him. But he never did. That bastard not only didn't crawl back, he went as far as to avoid me! Whenever I talked to him, he wouldn't look me in the eyes. He would always find excuses to leave. Our once loving relationship was gradually falling apart right in front of my very eyes. And there was nothing I could do. Because he wouldn't even give me a chance to explain. Because our status was never equal to begin with. Even back then, when I tried to get him to give me a noble title just so that others wouldn't be able to look down on me, he refused. He would always laugh, saying that I needn't care about those peasants. That I had his protection. And I foolishly fell for his lies. It was so dumb. I should have insisted on it! Because all the things that I'm currently enjoying would only exist if I'm in the Crown Prince's favour. But there's no guarantee for that. Not with this promiscuous dog. Not when I'm always beneath him in status. I had nothing to control him with. Everything went back to the same problem. Power. Status. Authority. I lack those. And because I lack those, people would never remain faithful to me.

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