Chapter 74 - Ahri has and always will be my hope.

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Keira's POV
The next morning.

When I woke up, fatigue instantly hit me like a truck, like I hadn't slept for the whole night. I looked around, a little confused about what's going on. I vaguely noticed my upper torso being completely naked, covered with small blue-black spots. There was also a sticky feeling on my cheeks. Dried tears. The moment I tried to sit up, a sore pain shot up my waist which got me to plop back down on the bed like a dead fish. And it wasn't just my waist that's in shambles. My throat was hoarse and parched, dry as the Sahara desert. Like I had been screaming last night.

It fucking hurts! Who the hell hit me???

My waist was practically wailing in pain, screeching at me to figure out the fucker who blanket-party it overnight. It's as if someone had me bent and twisted in awkward positions all night long...

Oh wait... That did happen...

The fog in my mind finally cleared up. The memory of last night's erotic experience trickled into my sleep-deprived brain. My whole face instantly erupted in redness. I remembered how Ahri's way too into BDSM and stuff, tying my hands such that I could only squirm helplessly in front of her. I especially remembered every word of embarrassing filth she whispered in my ear while relentlessly railing me into the bed. The way she tenderly hugged me as I sobbed uncontrollably, but still refusing to let up at all. This woman... This woman's silver tongue was a force to be reckoned with! She knows what to say to fucking get me off. And her fingers... Let's just say she knows what she's doing. Extremely clearly. She knew where to press to get me screaming at the top of my lungs.

If you think this was merely child's play, think again. Because this horny princess was freaking insatiable. She kept asking for one more round, promising that it would be the last. But that last never came. She just kept going, refusing to let me catch a break. And her favourite technique to have me completely wrapped around her fingers? Puppy eyes. Every time I saw those cute watery eyes, my resolve would waver. I just can't seem to say no to her when she acts all adorable like that. And like the sly fox she was, Ahri thoroughly made use of this weakness to get what she wanted. Which was to wring me dry.

Well, looking on the bright side, at least the room had good sound insulation... Otherwise, the neighbours would be VERY unhappy with me. The last thing I wanted to do was to explain to the hotel manager that the screams were not me dying but getting railed all night long.

Suddenly, a fair arm draped across my stomach, pulling me backwards. I felt something warm and soft touch my bare back. Something incredibly soft.

"Morning, baby~"


My heart rate spiked up when I heard the familiar seductive whisper. The one which had me whining and jerking last night. I immediately buried my head into the warm blanket, hiding away my embarrassingly red face. There was a shuffling sound behind me before Ahri propped her head up, peering down at me like the goddess that she was.

She casually tickled my hot ear, "Your ear's red~ Why still so shy? We already did it last night."

Thump. Thump.

My face burned even more at the realisation of the truth but I still insisted on uttering a pathetic excuse, "Y-You're naked!"

Ahri leaned downwards and kissed my cheek, "And? You saw everything before, no? So don't need to be so reserve anymore~"

She then sat up and flipped me over such that I was looking up at her beautiful face... and the rest of her extremely naked body. I literally screeched and covered my eyes, my face flushed all the way to the tips of my ears. Her bare body was instantly seared into my mind. The very body I was pinned under all night long as I shook and moaned.

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