Chapter 25 - Are we really going to let that bastard get away?

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Cain's POV
I groggily opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. There was a familiar smell of disinfectant in the room.

What am I doing here again?

"You're awake," I heard Senior Ahri's voice.

This was when I remembered the bloody incident.

Keira! Where is she???

I looked around and spotted Keira lying on a nearby medical bed, unconscious. Her limbs were wrapped in cast and her whole body, including her face, was wrapped up in bandages. A long tube connected her to a drip bag. My heart ached a lot when I saw her in this pitiful state.

"Senior, what did the doctors say about Keira? Can she recover? Will there be any permanent damage?" I hurriedly asked Senior Ahri.

Senior only smiled slightly, "It's strange to see our self-centred General care so much about other people's well-being."

I didn't answer her since she was right. Back in the past, I would have never done this kind of thing.

She continued, "She's fine. The doctors said that she was lucky that her bones didn't puncture her heart. I have already given them several pure mana crystals to help aid her recovery. She should be able to recover in a month's time."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief, "Thank you, Senior. I will pay you back for those mana crystals."

She waved her hand, "No need."

Now that she was safe, I lay back down on the bed, "How long was I out for?"

"2 days."

That long, huh...

I looked down at my wound. It has already started to scab over. In a few days, it would probably be gone without a trace.

Senior Ahri stood up and walked over to Keira's bed.

She lightly touched her bandaged face while asking, "Was it Amon?"

When she mentioned that traitorous bastard's name, my anger rose. Because of him, Keira was pulled into all this shit! She was even hurt!


I nodded, "Where's that bastard now?! I will go kill him!"

Senior chuckled, "As much as I want him to die too, you need to calm down first. He's being detained for now. The professors wanted you to be awake first before convicting him of anything. But that bastard was quite insistent that it wasn't him who did it."

I angrily smashed my fist into the bed, "That rat!"

"Now that you're awake, I will send a message to the professor," Senior Ahri said.

She opened her palm and a magic circle appeared on it. A white colour dove made of mana materialised and it flew out of the window. This was when I remembered that Keira broke her mask. I took out a plain-black mask before walking over to Keira's side.

This would have to suffice for now.

Senior took a look at my mask and asked, "What's that for?"

"Keira doesn't like people seeing her face. So I'm just going to cover her face with a breathable mask," I replied before gently putting the mask over Keira's face.

At this moment, the door opened and 2 people walked in. It was the commoner girl and the human Crown Prince, the 2 people that I least wanted to see now. The commoner's eyes lit up when she saw me and she quickly ran towards me.

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