Chapter 71 - You've been chosen.

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Keira's POV
It turns out I did in fact break my knuckle. After an X-ray scan, I was told that some of the bones in my right hand were fractured in multiple areas. Fortunately, because I managed to stop myself from punching a hole through that fucker's face, it wasn't too severe to require a surgery. Which was good since I don't think my wallet could handle that amount of expenses. He wrapped my knuckle in a splint and prescribed some painkillers before instructing me to ice my hand every 2 hours for the next few days. After forking out a warping three-figures worth of cash, I was finally sent home.

In just a day, I had already spent well over $300, the bulk of it on medical fees alone. I mean, I did say that I didn't want to cheap out on myself anymore but it doesn't mean waste money like fucking water! Now that my adrenaline rush was over, my brain finally registered the pain that's plaguing my entire right hand. It's as if someone was crushing it with a hammer, which in this case, it was. It was crushed by a certain fuckface and his iron head. I could only whimper softly and popped a few painkillers in my mouth before crawling into bed, pathetically waiting for the pain to knock me out for the night.

The next day.

I woke up to my right hand screeching in pain, nagging at me to get it some ice. I hurriedly stumbled downstairs, not even bothering to brush my teeth, and made a beeline straight for the freezer. I wrapped my swollen hand in a rag before gingerly placing a small bag of ice cubes on it. The cooling sensation made me sigh in relief as I walked back upstairs to lick my wounds in private. After 20 minutes, the pain subsided and I could finally go about my day. A quick bath later, I swallowed a few white tablets of goodness and left the building. Along the way, I stopped by the usual bakery for my daily sandwich fix. However, the moment I saw the bread in all that wrappers and tape, I had to beg the person at the counter to help me open the damn packaging. But even then, the usual appetising bread tasted like cardboard. Which, let's be fair, isn't the pastry's fault. It was just me being worried. Worried about the repercussions of beating the mayor's son. On my way to school, I was mentally preparing myself to face a mob of angry parents that wanted nothing more than to boot my ass into jail. But surprisingly, there were none. I wasn't stopped or screeched at by anyone. It was peaceful all the way to my classroom. In fact, the homeroom teacher told us that those goons suddenly transferred to an overseas school last night.

I guess I must have beaten them up so badly that they saw me in their nightmares.

Though bewildered, I wasn't complaining. I mean, I ain't gonna bitch about not being sent to jail. I still liked my freedom a lot, thank you very much.

After homeroom, I got up, about to leave when Arthur came up to me and asked, "Keira... Are you... okay?"

I snorted, "Never been better."

He took one look at my splint before trying to reach out for it. I hurriedly dodge away from his grubby hands, eyeing him warily.

"Keira, you're hurt."

"And I'm saying I don't need your pity!" I retorted.

He must have been sick of me constantly shooting down his poorly hidden wooing attempts since he didn't even bother hiding his fake concern anymore.

This goon slammed his hand at the wall beside my head and shouted, "Enough, Keira! Can't you tell I'm trying to help you?!"

I could hear the noise in the class dying down. There were whispers, mostly from jealous girls. I mean, this very situation was the dream of many girls. Being kabedon by a 'hot' and rich guy, that is. In fact, they would have squealed in delight at this 'romantic' atmosphere. But not me. I wasn't in the mood to deal with this fake sexual tension. I could feel my anger starting to boil, almost breaking past the tip of my tolerance threshold. I already had to deal with my hand crying and whining at me to stuff it with ice. And this bozo was getting in the way of me and my ice! Just because of his libido!

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