Chapter 28 - Going out with these 2 children

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Keira's POV
Streaks of sunlight passed through the gaps in my curtain. I squinted and slowly sat up. It has been a month since that little murder plot. Thankfully, because of all the pure mana crystals invested in me, I had a speedy recovery and no longer needed others to help me. Actually, by the third week, I could already more or less move my limbs on my own. But the villainess really treated me as a person with no hands and feet! She refused to let me do anything on my own! I mean, I get it if she doesn't want me to walk since I would be putting too much pressure on my still-recovering legs, but the least I could do was to feed myself! But even that was denied too. She insisted on feeding me like I'm a helpless child! She even wanted to bathe me! I had to insist that I could bathe on my own, WITHOUT assistance, before she reluctantly relented. But I could see the evident regret and pity in her eyes when she agreed. The thought of the villainess seeing me naked made me shudder.


I got up and unwrapped my bandages before washing up. Today was a weekend so I was planning on exploring outside the academy. Because of all the school and shopping shenanigans, I didn't really have time to truly explore the surrounding areas. After a short bath, I wrapped myself neatly in bandages again before picking up the mask with gold etchings around it. This would be my temporary mask until Cain fixed up the demonic mask. I made sure to dress myself in warm clothes before walking out of my room and down to the cafeteria. When I entered the cafeteria, I could feel stares on me. After the golem incident, people began paying more attention to me. Of course, there was both good and bad attention. The good attention was from those who thought that I was brave and loyal to Cain. At this moment, I noticed the heroine glaring at me like I had killed her parents or something. She would belong to the category of bad attention. Ever since I woke up, she has always been giving me the side-eye. She was probably angry that Cain ignored her to hang out with me. I mean, who would even like a girl who was too busy watching him die? If she wanted Cain to have a good impression of her, she should have at least pretended to save him, and not hide away like a coward, then put the blame on others who were willing to save him. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. I took a packet of milo and some sandwiches from the buffet table before sitting at a table by myself. While I was in the middle of eating, red roses were suddenly displayed in front of me. I looked up. It was Cain.

He smiled, "Here. These are for you."

There were whispers in the cafeteria and I could feel the jealous stares on me. Especially from the heroine. After I had saved him, Cain started giving me red roses every day. He told me to put them in my room. I didn't understand what his intention was. When I asked him, he just told me that these roses were made of S-grade mana crystals and the pure mana emitted from them could help my injuries recover faster. I mean, since it would benefit my burnt face and arms, I, of course, wouldn't reject his good intention. But as the days went by, his good intention started spiralling out of control. Day by day, the flowers became more and more complex-looking. It started off as simple-looking ones and it gradually turned more elaborate and beautiful. And of course, its price must have skyrocketed as well. Especially when it was all made of high-grade mana crystals.

I took the roses from his hand. The roses were made of pretty red-tinted transparent crystals. Their stalks and leaves were made of gold-coloured opaque crystals. Because of the materials used, they were much heavier than ordinary flowers.

 Because of the materials used, they were much heavier than ordinary flowers

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