Chapter 23 - She's the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

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Cain's POV
I was staring in horror at the dumb woman trying to stop the foot of the S-grade golem with her weak body. She was even using her bloody head to stop it!!!

"Idiot! What are you doing?! Get out of there! Do you want to die?!" I screamed.

Why? Why is she so dumb?!

The dumb woman laughed, "No. I don't want to die."

Your fucking actions are saying otherwise!!!

"Then what the fuck—"

Keira interrupted me, "But I don't want Cain to die either. So if you don't want me to die, then you better make sure to live."


Why... Why are you doing so much for me...

I heard Keira scream, "STOP GETTING IN MY BLOODY WAY!!!"

Miraculously, the golem's foot came to a halt above us.

This crazy woman... She actually managed to stop its foot!!!

Keira then summoned a black colour L-shaped object and pointed it at the golem's foot. I recognised it. It was the strange weapon Keira got me to enchant a few days ago.

She shouted, "JUST DIE!!!" before firing consecutive fire magic at the golem's foot like a mad man.

The close proximity of such high concentration of fire magic basically burnt both of her arms. I was shouting at her, trying to get this insane woman to stop.


I heard a loud cracking sound. There was a small crack under the foot before the crack rapidly spread across the entire foot. Due to the high concentration of magic damage at a single point, the golem's foot started to crack more and more until it completely shattered into tiny rocks. The golem fell down, causing a mini earthquake while kicking up a bunch of dirt from the ground. Keira knelt there, panting away, with blood dripping down her whole body. Her outfit was dyed in her crimson-red blood. Her arms and legs were a mangled mess. She definitely broke them.

I shouted exasperatedly, "You dumb woman! Why did you do that? Didn't I teach you not to be kind-hearted to strangers???!!! Why are you so stupid?!"

I didn't understand. Why did she risk her life for me? I don't even know her that well. There was nothing of equal value to be gained for sacrificing her life for me. I mean, what could be more precious than life itself? So why did she do such idiotic things for me?

She laughed stupidly, "You're not a stranger, Cain. You're my teacher. You're my friend. You're not some random dog in the streets. I still need you to teach me many things, so you can't just die like this."

Thump. Thump.

"You crazy woman..."

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly. The surrounding noise faded into the background. I didn't care what was happening around me. All my attention was on this raven-hair girl in front of me. No one has treated me like this before. People are inherently selfish creatures. They would only help others when there's something to be gained by doing so. There's nothing for her to gain from sacrificing her life to save me. It wasn't even a sound business decision. And yet, there she was, stupidly using her weak body to stop a S-grade golem from crushing me. When she looked at me, through the partially broken mask, I saw an undying flame in her violet eyes. It was the eyes of a stubborn person. It was the eyes of an honest person. It was the eyes of a loyal person who would not abandon their people. It was at this very moment that made me think that her eyes were the prettiest thing I have ever seen. It doesn't matter if she has those scars on her face. She's the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

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