Chapter 57 - What are you hiding, Keira?

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Ahri's POV
I walked out of the teleportation gate, busy wiping the disgusting blood of a wyvern from my hands. That whole dungeon was so boring and pointless. Everything just rolled over and died when I only used a tiny bit of magic. Not at all fun. I stood at the corner of the arena, waiting for Keira to finish her run. When she finally walked out of the array, I noticed her carrying a person on her back. It was the girl with dirty-blonde hair that got Keira's attention back at the hotel lobby. She was seemingly asleep on her back. I can't help but feel slightly annoyed. Especially when I saw how close they were to each other. I walked towards my disobedient deer, determined to get her to explain herself.

Before I could question Keira, she fired a bunch of strange questions, "Senior, did anyone weird talk to you during my match?"

"No. Why the sudden question?"

She didn't answer me and continued to ask, "Then, did anyone strange approach you? Did anyone annoy you? Did anyone hurt you? Tell me, I will deal with them."

"Anyway, what's the problem? Why the sudden visit? Did anyone bully you? Tell me. I will beat them up."

I remembered back when she was Kaizer, she would always ask me this very same question. She has always been afraid that I would be bullied by others. Which was pretty cute since I don't think anyone with working brains would ever try to annoy me. Not unless they wanted me to absorb all their life essence. I could feel a warm feeling in my chest. I like how she's always concerned about my well-being. Only towards me. Like I was the only person who had a special place in her heart.

I could feel my bad mood becoming better as I lifted her mask, "No, silly. Who would be dumb enough to annoy me? This great Kumiho will rip out their livers if they dare to step out of their place."

I noticed she was covered in blood from head to toe.

I thought she was hurt so I panicked and gently held her hands, pulling off her gloves to check for any injuries, "What happened to you??? Are you hurt??? Who bullied you? I will beat them senseless."

I won't let history repeat itself again. If anyone dares to touch a single hair on her, I will make sure to claw their throats out!

Her usual lively eyes dimmed a little and she forced out a smile, "Don't worry. It's not my blood. It's some asshole's one."

But I didn't believe her. Not when her hands were shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes were full of fear and guilt, her palms cold and sweaty. She was scared. This was when I understood what happened.

She killed someone...

I pulled her in for a hug, gently caressing her head while patting her back, hoping to soothe her frayed nerves, "It's okay. It's okay. Those people deserved it. You didn't do anything wrong. So don't think too much about it. Everything will be fine."

I don't want her to feel guilty over some cannon fodder's death. If she wants to kill anyone, she has every right to do just that. She's not in the wrong. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame those bastards! It's all their fault! If they're going to die, they should have crawled in some hole to die quietly! Not traumatise my little deer like this! If I knew who those rats were, I would have dragged their bloody souls from the underworld and ripped their heads off again! They deserve to die for scaring my baby!

The little deer hugged me back and buried her head in my shoulders. I just continued to pat her back. After a bunch of soothing words, she gradually stopped quivering, her breathing slowing down to a normal rate.

She suddenly said in a small voice, "Promise me you won't go anywhere without telling me."

Without thinking too much about it, I nodded, "Okay. I promise."

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