Chapter 8 - I look forward to seeing what new surprises she will bring to me.

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Ahri's POV
I was staring boredly at the students gathering in the field. Today's the day of the senior-junior pairing. Honestly, I don't understand what's the point of this. I was more than capable to do the assessment on my own. In fact, other people would just be an added baggage to me. These assessments were probably created to help cultivate a 'closer' relationship between the humans and demons. They wanted us to pair up with students from the other species. But let's be real, everyone would only work with people of their own kind. If they don't, it only meant that the other party's attractive or they have power and money. Just like all these flies buzzing around me. They wanted to use this opportunity to get close so as to use me later down the line. It's never about of me. It's always my lineage.

The annoying human prince came up to me and said, "Ahri, if you don't want to work with these annoying people, you can pair up with me."

But you're one of them too!

His noisy little girlfriend started whining, "But senior Asher, you already promised to be my partner in this assessment."

He chuckled and patted her head, "Don't worry, Lily. I won't go back on my words. I will just ask the dean to make a special arrangement for us, so that we can group up in threes."

I rolled my eyes at their PDA.

How noisy.

This time, annoying fly number two came along.

The demon prince smirked, "My dear Ahri, there's no need for you to pair up with these useless humans. You can join me. I'd like to see who dares to reject me."

I was about to reject him when I noticed the bustling field suddenly became quiet. Two people walked in. One of them was the demon general, Cain, while the other was a person in black outfit, wearing a demonic mask. I've never seen anyone dressed like that before, so of course it piqued my interest. Her armour and mask were imbued with multiple seals, preventing me from seeing through her identity. But I at least could tell she's a girl since she had the body features of a female. That outfit must be given to her by Cain since he specialised in enchantment. He's the one who enchanted all our weapons and armours during the war 3 years ago.

That's the weird part. Why would Cain help her? He's always cold to everyone. He only minded his business and never helped anyone, even if that person was a helpless woman like our damsel-in-distress junior here. So why would he help this girl? It couldn't be because he's bewitched by her looks. Cain was a pragmatic guy that didn't even bat an eyelash when this audacious junior threw a temper tantrum after he refused to train her. He's that cold-hearted and calculative. So why? Why did he get himself so involved with this person? What benefit did she offer to him?

Cain muttered something to her before she walked towards me.

Hmmm... This will be interesting~

Her raspy and muffled voice sounded in the air, "Does Senior have a partner in mind yet?"

"No. Why?" I mused.

There was a pause before she asked, "Then, is Senior Ahri willing to partner up with me?"

The moment she uttered those words, the field fell into a deathly silence. Everyone was staring at her in disbelief, especially the two annoying flies beside me. I could hear whispers and murmurs.

"Who does this worm think he is?"

"I heard she's Keira."

"You mean that disabled trash that kept harassing Lily?"

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