Chapter 18 - It's really hard to please this Princess...

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Keira's POV
After that night lesson, I began to draw and design the magic weapon that I had in mind. After finalising the design, I handed the blueprint to the 3rd male lead. I didn't know any reputable blacksmiths around here and I also didn't have the money to afford their services, so I could only rely on him, adding the fees to my ever-increasing debt. I need to get rich quickly or else this debt would only continue to grow larger.

When the male lead saw my drawing, he raised an eyebrow, "You never cease to surprise me, Keira. What's this?"

I chuckled, "It's a surprise for now. You will know when it's assembled. You just need to know it will be my magic weapon."

He didn't ask anymore questions and just helped me with the task. He told me that the parts will be finished 1 month later, just a few days before the first practical test of the assessment. Of course, I didn't just get absorbed into the novel's plot and forget about my mission. After all, the whole point of me doing this was to get rich. Not to have fun in a fantasy world. To get the villainess to like the main male lead, I need to get him on the same page as me. One day, I bumped into him while walking along the corridor of the academy. Honestly, I don't like to even associate with him. Everything about his character set to his background story just irked me to no end. But I had no choice if I wanted to make some progress on my mission. I had to get in touch with this human scumbag.

I tried to hide my disgust and said, "Your highness, I have something to talk with you about."

He looked at me disdainfully, "And why should I, commoner? You're not even worthy enough to be in front of me, much less speak to me. I refuse to converse with a dirty commoner."

And I don't want to talk with a shitbag either!

I clenched my fist and took a deep breath, before saying, "What if I say I'm interested in helping you advance your relationship with Senior Ahri?"

He stared at me suspiciously, "Why would you suddenly want to help me? What's your goal? What do you want?"

I knew that he was gonna be wary of my intentions. After all, there's no such thing as free lunches in this world. Everything comes at a price. Obviously, I can't tell him I'm doing this to complete God's mission so I needed to lie.

I chuckled, "I just realised the futility of trying to get close to her as a commoner. She would never look my way. So I was hoping that if I helped you get together with her, you would reward me sufficiently."

The bastard thought for a while before laughing, "Hahaha! That's good. At least you are well aware of your place. It's impossible between the both of you. Not only is your status too far below hers, you're not even a guy. She will never like you. The relationship will never work out."

Are you fucking insane??? Who likes that Disney Princess???

He finally starts talking about actual matters, "But how is a commoner like you going to even make her fall in love with me? She would never listen to you."

I smiled, "Don't forget that I'm her servant now. Even if she doesn't listen to my words, I can still provide you with intel on where she's going. All you need to do is to 'coincidentally' meet her outside. And I will leave the both of you. You can spend some alone time with her and use this opportunity to get closer to her. Also, I will be spending quite a lot of time going shopping with her. So I am basically well aware of her habits, likes and dislikes. I can provide this information to you so that you can better attract her attention.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Hmmm... True..."

To help me better seal the deal, I decided to goad him by using the 2nd male lead.

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