Chapter 36 - I guess I lost to Senior Ahri.

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Cain's POV
Today's finally the day. The day I would confess to Keira. After that little outburst from her, I realised something. She's actually quite insecure about herself. She might look like a person who doesn't care about social norms, but deep down, she's really afraid of how other people would look at her. She's afraid that because of her lack of money and pretty looks, she would be shunned by others. She would be left all alone. I really don't get why she keeps doubting herself like this when every aspect of her is perfect. She doesn't have to worry about getting the approval of others. She just needs to be herself. That's all.

I don't like to see her being buried underneath all the endless self-doubt and hatred. I don't want her to feel that way about herself. I want her to be the sassy daredevil like when I first met her in the E-rank dungeon. The kind of woman who wouldn't care about what others think. The kind of woman who's brutally honest with her words. Since she thinks there's nothing to like about her, then I will prove her wrong. I will confess to her. I will show her that I like her for who she is. It doesn't matter whether she's rich or poor, whether she's pretty or ugly. Because to me, she's perfect the way she is now. Besides, not only does she lack self-confidence, she's also frustratingly dense and obtuse when it comes to the emotional aspect. Maybe because she has never believed there are people out there that like her. Or maybe because this silly woman was just that slow. Whatever the case was, I wouldn't get anywhere even if I dropped an infinite number of hints to her. Because she would never see my actions as advances on her. So I might as well just spell it out to her.

I was currently standing at the academy gates, waiting for her. Even though we were supposed to be meeting at 9.15am, I spent a good hour racking my brains, trying to figure out what to wear. I don't usually have this issue since I never really cared much about my outer appearance. Nor do I care about impressing other people. But not today. Today was an important day. I have to impress her. So I need to wear something that would attract her attention. After an eternity of flipping through my entire wardrobe, I finally decided on a full-black outfit. I figured that Keira must have liked black a lot, seeing as she usually wears black-coloured clothes. While waiting for her, I could feel all the annoying stares on me but I chose to ignore them. After all, those shallow women don't even come close to Keira's beauty. After a few minutes, I finally spotted her. When she came closer, I couldn't help but freeze. Her raven-black hair was tied back in a high ponytail, her beautiful violet eyes sparkling in the sunlight. She was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with a white trench coat. She also wore a pair of white denim ripped shorts over some black tights. Her entire outfit made her look like some badass woman.

She's perfect.

I didn't even realise I was staring at her like a clown until she waved her hand in front of me, "Yoo-hoo

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I didn't even realise I was staring at her like a clown until she waved her hand in front of me, "Yoo-hoo. Anyone home?

My face heated up and I stuttered like a bumbling fool, "O-Oh, m-morning, Keira."

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