Chapter 67 - You're my Crown Prince!

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Ahri's POV
I was sprinting along the stony pathway. Back towards the royal castle. Along the way, people stopped to greet me but I didn't care. I just continued running like my life depended on it. My entire mind was filled with Keira. Kaizer. My baby deer. My everything. And the cruel truth that my kind baby has rejected me. That she had never once cared about me. It was all for that bastard Arthur! Everything she had done for me was never about me. It was just for the sake of that trash!

While racing towards the castle, I could feel hot tears tracking down my face. How pathetic. Crying like this. Why am I even crying for a traitor... Why am I even feeling this sad... I'm now the Crown Princess. The person who would soon become the demon Queen. I had all the power to choose any spouse I wanted. It doesn't have to be that idiot. Even if I close my eyes and randomly point to some stranger on the streets, he would definitely agree to marry me in a heartbeat. But... Why can't Keira be like this too... Why can't she just say yes... Why... Why do I always have to lose... Just because I'm a woman... Just because I'm a monster... I could never win against a glorified walking garbage. I would never be the most important person to Keira. And the thought of that hurt so much.

I could feel a sharp stabbing pain in my heart. The same pain I felt when I saw Kaizer died in front of me... The very same person who had just cruelly crushed my heart. I remembered Kaizer's assurance that he would never fall in love with anyone else... That he would never leave me...

Liar! You liar! You like that scumbag! You threw me away for him! You've never liked me! You liar!

I was a fool to think that with just a little effort, I could get her to fall in love with me. I was a fool to think that this relationship could work out just so long as I keep at it. But reality was never going to change. Everything about us was wrong from the beginning. I'm not a human. I'm not even a guy. There was never an 'us'. Because it was all wrong from the start.

I didn't even notice myself reaching the castle already. Through my hazy and teary vision, I stumbled into the changing room where Papa and Mama were still discussing with the hairdresser about how they wanted to do my hair. But I wasn't in the mood to talk about that unimportant ceremony. I just staggered towards Mama and threw myself at her, crying myself silly like a baby. Both of them were flustered from the sudden emotional mess I was in. I mean, I went out all happy, then came back as a sobbing fountain. Who wouldn't be shocked?

Papa patted my head soothingly and asked, "Baby, what's wrong? Who bullied you?! Tell Papa. I will drag him back to apologise to you! Where's Keira? Why isn't she beside you???"

When he mentioned that sore topic, it was as if all the floodgates had opened. I started crying hysterically, unable to utter a single coherent word. I buried my face in Mama's shoulders and cried like a fool. Thankfully, Papa and Mama didn't ask anymore questions. They just told the lady to give us some space before sitting me down on the couch and gently patted my back. Just like how Keira would always do...

After a few minutes, I finally got my turbulent emotions in check. My eyes were red and puffy, my voice hoarse from all the crying. I could feel the overwhelming tiredness of everything. I didn't want to attend this dumb event anymore. I just wanted to go home. And forget about Keira...

While sniffling away, Mama carded my hair, "Feeling better?"

I vaguely nodded.

"Baby, can you tell us what's wrong? What happened between you and Keira?" Papa asked.

The mention of her name was like poison, sending sharp stabs of pain to my heart.


He raised an eyebrow.

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