Chapter 24 - She's actually not that different from me.

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Ahri's POV
Once the students were teleported away, the mana screens started to show a live broadcast of everything that was happening in the field. I noticed Keira in one of them. She was currently firing magic projectiles at a demon student.

Wait! Magic???

I looked closer again. She was holding onto a strange weapon that I have never seen before. It was a small weapon capable of firing different elements of magic without her needing to use mana. I have never seen such a tiny magic weapon. Usually, magic weapons, like sceptres, were relatively large and heavy in order to enhance the power and speed of each projectile. That's why most people opted to not carry them since they could just manually fire their own magic without the need for such bulky external equipment. But her weapon was able to do just that and in a much smaller form. That wasn't even the most interesting part. After that pathetic demon lost to her, he tried to threaten her with his status. But in the end, she just forced him to give up on his own.

This girl never ceases to amaze me.

The mana screen switched point of view and stopped showing Keira. Suddenly, a couple other screens showed static.

Someone must have broken the surveillance magic.

I had a bad feeling in my heart and started searching for Keira again. When I spotted her, she was standing in a large crowd of students. All of them seemed to be watching a S-grade golem. Without warning, Keira shot out from the crowd and started sprinting towards the golem like a mad man.

What the heck is she doing???!!!

As she ran closer, I noticed a white wolf lying near the golem. It was Cain! He was lying in a pool of blood with an obvious stab wound in his chest. There were black edges around the wound and Cain wasn't regenerating at all despite the innate healing abilities of werewolves.


That was the only possible explanation. Only Darksteel can cause such damage to demons. Someone stabbed him with that. But that material was banned after the peace treaty was established. So how did that person get it? More importantly, who was it? With how careful Cain was around strangers, it would probably be someone close to him, like a demon for example. I suddenly thought of his partner, Amon. It was strange that he was nowhere in sight even with all that fiasco going on. Cain's scoreboard on the mana screen wasn't increasing either so he couldn't be hunting monsters. So what was he doing now??? I remembered the peculiar scene after the war. How angry and dissatisfied Amon was with Cain being the General. The jealous and murderous looks in his eyes when Cain was praised by the Demon King for his contributions.

Could it be...

Wait, that's not even the most important issue now! The real issue was why the heck is this girl running straight to her death??? She was sprinting like no tomorrow towards the chaos.

Don't tell me she really thinks she can save him???

I watched in utter horror as she ran up to the golem and used her bare hands to try and stop the golem from crushing them.

Is she insane???!!!

Blood started to spill out of her body, her limbs breaking one after another as she was slowly crushed by that massive boulder. It was only a matter of time before she's crushed to death. I could hear murmurs and mockings from the students around. They were laughing at this girl's stupidity. Laughing at her weakness. They were probably hoping she would die right there and then. All the while, I was sitting here, feeling conflicted. I didn't want her to die. After all, she's a fun person to hang out with. I really enjoyed spending time with her. She reminded me of the time I spent with Kaizer. She was the one who gave me happiness. The one who made me truly laugh again after 3 long years.

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